About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 29, 2014

FRIDAY #2091


About those over/under bets on the USC/TexAM game...that's why they call it gambling. I was stunned.
Charles Manson is married...
What does that say about your social life?
Here's a gif of a full-scale helicopter bike...

Seems simple enough for me...
How times have changed...

We figured out how to put a man on the moon before we figured out putting wheels on luggage.

Handicapped my ass...

They say that when you get back from vacation or wherever, you should run all your sinks to clear out the pipes before you drink or cook with the water.

Robert De Niro & Al Pacino on the set of The Godfather Part II,...

NIKE Creates Laser Projected Soccer Fields...

Some men claim that women belong in the kitchen.
Maybe because they don't know what to do with them in the bedroom.


I’m in the mood to complicate the shit out of something.

 You have been brainwashed.

If you haven’t practiced your alibi in front of a mirror, you aren’t married.

Are queries like gay questions?


The more than 200 dinosaur tracks dating back 125 million years went undiscovered until 2009, when a hiker from nearby Moab stumbled across them and alerted scientists, who kept the location secret while they worked to excavate and study the incredible find. Now five years later, the off-limits area is being prepared for an unveiling to the public, scheduled for around October.

There’s more ways to kill a cat than shoving a stick of butter up its ass.

Rabbit Island in Japan...

I treat my wife like a god. I ignore her until I need something.

A company makes these delightful recharging ports...
 ...but they are $500.

This is what my family considers necking…

drinking right from a long neck bottle.

Cigarette butts removed from a tourist beach in one day...

I always play porn as loud as possible so people know not to walk in on me.

 This is the part I thought was genius...
 Jim Reed, the ball is in your court.

Stare at the flashing green dot and see what happens to the yellow dots...

Self-conscious about your driving? 
Have a few drink before you leave.

Middle class white girls with corn rows.

One Of My Very Own...

Ran across some of these "special" children...
We are all wondering the exact same thing.

To avoid sex, my wife told me she couldn’t because the dog was listening.

What a wonderful thing...

Another time she told me we couldn’t because she was getting her hair done the next day.

I don't know why...exactly...but a photo with a moon in it, I automatically downgrade...
On the other hand, I really like this image...

My kind of refrigerator magnet...

Warning labels on cigarettes raised health concerns among smokers, motivating them to try quitting smoking (even when smokers tried to avoid seeing the labels).

Saw this painting and I like it...
 I've painted many paintings...large paintings...with paint rollers.
Sold every one of them....but that's another story.

Yes, you, too, can have a yard like this....
 And I'm going to tell you how....
 Take out a notepad....
For a natural looking yard....DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Don't sod it. Don't seed it. Don't mow it. Don't rake it.

I have no idea what this is, but I like it....

Business teams with an equal gender mix performed better than male-dominated teams in terms of sales and profits.

 This parrot decided to accompany a cyclist without provocation...

 This Indian woman asked dozens of people this question...
But on the up side, most younger people understood that it wasn't her fault. 

This champagne glass was molded with Kate Moss' left breast...

After a late night poker game I staggered into the kitchen and my wife said, “What’s your reason for coming home at this hour?” I said, “Breakfast.”

1 comment:

Jim Reed said...

The Potato thing... interesting but I'd think replacing the soil back into the bottom would be...well...too Sisyphus for me. As luck would have it, I have a little more room to plant potatoes, not needing to be so efficient. The tried and true method my Papa taught me is to use one of your two compost piles to plant new potatoes. You work the other compost with your veggie waste and when you harvest, you rotate and repeat.

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