About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 30, 2014


This from an avid reader labeled "My Back Yard"...
No mowing.
No raking.
Just enjoying....what's wrong with that?

That was a gerbil....or hamster...or whatever. 

 Said no PhD, ever.

 You would not have to tell me twice.

 So who took the photo?...????

Well, he was more or less just asking for it...

This took me a moment or two...

A girl walked into a bar one time....

 Relexes like a puma.

Let's take another look at this...

I once saw a parrot that had the same feather-shedding disorder. I would have just put the poor bastard out of his misery, but then the parrot (ABSOLUTELY TRUE) whistled the Mayberry theme song from beginning to end. Quite impressive.

How not to merge...

The old glue on the eyepiece gag, the last prank they would ever play on the Supreme Leader....

Some people never learn...

I've watched this more than once....
 And it appears the guy is throwing that shit on purpose.
Like a little joke.


Stupid fuck...

My guess is that it's a fake gun and the storeclerk knew it...


No. No it won't.

I'm assuming this clip was evidence shown in the law suit...

Think about this one a moment...

Another repost...but worth it...

My favorite pick-up line...

Not so fast, Sparky....

Check out the look on his face...

Girls will be girls....


We all have that one cousin...

Another repost of one of the damnest things I have ever seen...but certainly worth viewing again...


Spider Borland said...

Any bets on the Arkansas Auburn game?

Ralph Henry said...

Take Auburn and give the 17 1/2 points to Arkansas. Take over in the O/U of 58.
But what the fuck do I know?

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