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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 31, 2014



Dear Spider,
You're welcome for the Auburn game advice.
I hope you placed the bets.
Hopefully, the last bucket challenge I will ever post...

That had to have hurt....that's like a car dropping on your head.
 After putting GPS trackers on some of the stones, the scientists returned to check them and just by LUCK got there when the night ice phenomena was happening.
If Britain were to somehow leave the EU and join the US they would be the 2nd-poorest state in the union. Poorer than Missouri. Poorer than the much-maligned Kansas and Alabama. Poorer than any state other than Mississippi.
Or so it was reported...

But the data used for the above was just dollars, not what those dollars would buy...
...or something like that.
But is it comforting to ANYONE that a whole country is not poorer than Ala-fucking-bama?!?!

Militarized local SWAT teams can be tricked by hackers into raiding homes of innocent people.  The Vice video above illustrates the problem, which is also discussed at Salon: “The caller claimed to have shot two co-workers, held others hostage, and threatened to shoot them,” the Littleton Police Department said in a statement. “He stated that if the officers entered he would shoot them as well.” What the cameras captured is a perilous new prank known as “swatting,” or making a false report to get the SWAT team to invade a rival gamer’s space. As evidenced by the Vice News report below, this can involve disguising the caller identity and making some potentially life-threatening claims.

The deal, made possible by a little-known provision in the health-care law, has one particularly important requirement: The Duff household of nine must abstain from general debauchery.

Samaritan Ministries, a health-care sharing group, will charge its national network to cover the family’s medical bills, but only if they agree to forsake binge-drinking, extramarital sex, illegal drugs and tobacco (with the exception of celebratory, post-birth cigars). The organization describes itself as a “Biblical approach” to health-care, guided by Galatians 6:2: Bear one another’s burdens...
Samaritan’s rules, however, extend beyond the religious realm to the practical one of saving money. Sinful behavior threatens more than a soul’s entrance to Heaven, Duff and his cohorts believe: It damages the earthly body — and amplifies the price of health-care.
“Christians are just healthier people,” he says. “Think of all the physical problems we can attribute to a sinful lifestyle.”
Obamacare, the Samaritan contract states, is undesirable because it covers costs that “result from immoral practices,” such as STD treatments or out-of-wedlock births. The law creates a moral dilemma for Duff, who now works as an assistant pastor in downtown Omaha.
“Simply put,” he says, “I don’t want to pay for that or encourage it in any way.
Neither do the estimated 100,000 other Samaritan users.

(believe it or not...I see nothing wrong with that)


Once had somebody tell me that because so many people believed in god, then my ridicule was stupid...like numbers meant anything...

 I believe that.

 Read that again.

 Of course he is, Sparky. Of course he is.

 Said the genocidal bastard that drowned 99.999% of humanity.....including children. Yeah, he saved the fuck out of those innocents.

This is called the easy way out...

Of all the religions there is to choose from, how did you settle on that boring shit you got?

Observation: If Little League Baseball or the Boy Scouts had as many cases of child rape as the Catholic Church, no parent in their right mind would let them participate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The people doing the moving rock study had to bring their own rocks because park services would not allow them to attach the gps monitors to the existing rocks. Really? Were they worried that the magic would no longer be there? They're f*^%ing rocks! Its not as of the rocks had some geological significance.

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