About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, September 26, 2014

FRIDAY #2119

Obama saluted with a coffee cup in his hand....

Helps you type on bigger screen...

For my Canadian viewers...

Guy was feeding fish when ray demanded some...

And who the hell wears rubber gloves to feed fish?

India celebrated putting a spacecraft into orbit around Mars on Wednesday, hoping the rare feat will show the world it is open for business in space exploration and inspire a new generation of homegrown scientists to help drive growth.

(did you notice the percentage of women?)

But, of course, people have their own opinions...
 But how about this...
(I will state again for the record that Gravity was the stupidest movie I have ever seen) 
And speaking of Mars, they found a ball....A BALL!

Crossword Clue: Four letters

__ __ __

How did he practice that until he learned how to do it without breaking his neck?

Four letters = GHI..............think phone.

This is a normal leg painted...
How delightful.

For two years I ate nothing by raw milk and oats. I literally quadrupled in size. Then I started growing teeth so I could eat solid foods.

Ever talked to someone so stupid that it gave you Forest Whitaker Eye?

Is this the way we are supposed to live?
 Well, I guess if you live in this community you do...

An idea is born...

Because I chose not to have people prove they are not robots to leave a comment on Folio Olio, I get a lot of spam. Here is the standard model:

Here's another...
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "CAPTAIN'S LOG - Roswell, NM": This might be a tad off topic but we have decided to hire a moving service and are in search of an legitimate moving organization. We had been thinking of using this company, Move4Less 1015 Shary Cir #7 Concord, CA 94518 925-808-3139. Is there some kind of movers scam or review website in existence for checking on them?
Here is my blog view porn
(like I need an invitation from a spammer)

- They always say they read my blog without giving any specifics, then there is always a commercial site offered at the end.
My question is, does ANYONE EVER click on the spam site? I can't imagine it.

Here's a real comment from a guy that lives in the neighborhood:

That UFO looking building was not a sport arena, it's worse: The House of the Bulgarian Communist Party! Oh, and Bulgaria was never part of the USSR...

When my professor friend contacted a Latin scholar to ask him assist me in wording my now infamous tattoo, the scholar who has had books published, emailed back "Tattoos are our specialty." I found that a classy thing to say.

Kinesin (a motor protein) pulling a vesicle along cytoskeletal filament

They found a snake and this is their reaction...
...much to the delight of onlookers.

After a long talk and a lot of growth in our relationship, my wife is no longer bothered by my cross dressing. She does mind that I keep stealing her cutest outfits.

The four more likely places to host alien life in the Solar System

 Read an article about World Heritage sites that were falling into disrepair. One sentence included this wording: "plagued by unclever graffiti". It think that nails it when it comes to fat letters spelling nothing sprayed on every wall.
The "graffiti" above may not be great, but at least it's an attempt at cleverness.

According to a new study, evolution has favored humans with distinctive facial features because it is beneficial for people to be able to recognize each other, and be recognizable. If everyone looked more or less the same there would be total chaos. It would be really hard to tell the difference between members of your family, different people at work, friends and neighbors versus total strangers, etc.

Spanish granary - the foundation designed to keep out rats and such...

I keep a baseball bat in my truck. You never know when you might want to knock someone's side view mirror off at a red light.

In ANY other country in the world, this man would be committed to an institution with padded walls...

The first time I asked my wife to marry me, she wondered aloud how much I would damage her credit rating.

Does this dog look happy to see its master?
Let's see a cat do that.

My wife's favorite part of cooking dinner is when the delivery guy shows up.

How apertures work...

My wife came in the bathroom and demanded to know what the hell I was doing. I told her that the dentist told me bacon and soda works just as good as toothpaste. She clarified that it was "baking soda".

You know you've been married a long, long time when the wife answers her phone during sex. She was on top and lifted herself off me and walked across the room so I couldn't hear what she was saying to her "mom". 


Had this mutation helped it survive, they would all have it by now...

It must be hard being that stupid…


 Wanna guess what this is...
 Microscope seen from the bottom.

One Of My Very Own...

"I’m not a racist, but you’re very pretty."

    "That’s not racist."

"That’s what I said, you stupid Mexican."

I read that police officers have a much bigger problem with domestic abuse than the NFL. Anybody know anything about that?

I really like that image.

If the shoe fits, buy another just like it only backwards.

This is Amelia Rudolph and Roel Seeker, suspended on the wall of Oakland's City Hall, dancing like some kind of fairies or angles.

This map of Reykjavík airport looks like a guy with his hand down a garbage can

Have you ever heard of this?

Wasabi is a member of the Brassicaceae family, which includes cabbages, horseradish, and mustard. Its stem is used as a condiment and has an extremely strong flavor. Dozens of people in the US and Canada have tried to grow the plant but have failed. The reason is simple: wasabi is deemed by most experts to be the most difficult plant in the world to grow commercially.

 That would be my exact reaction to seeing that workmanship.

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

He likely did it all the time with his arms extended, and once it was muscle memory and easy, he pulled his arms back.

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