About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, October 10, 2014

FRIDAY #2133

There are seven billion types of people in this world.

If five slaves had sex in the 1800’s, would it be considered a threesome?

Oh, my...
 Supposedly that photo was not messed with.

Places with safe water in green...

New imaging technology known as the layer amplification method (LAM) helped show that Leonardo painted two previous versions of his "Lady with an Ermine" masterpiece before settling on the version that we know today. One version of the 15th Century artwork didn't even include the ermine at all....

You could die at any moment, so stop and smell the – TIME’S UP.

 I can think of better ways to get the lazy bastards off the couch...
Speaking of...
Of course, my wife has her own reading material...

For the first time ever, a hot air balloon was successfully flown down and underground into the Mamet Cave in Croatia. Even better, it was a 70-year-old man who accomplished the feat, dipping down nearly 700 feet into Earth....

Italian artist Giorgio Arcuri likes to make photorealistic drawings... 

I would bet money that the image is projected down onto his desk. How do I know that? Well, I have the device that clamps on a Kodak slide projector to do just that...
It has a 45 degree mirror...

How old were you before you learned that herpes wasn’t a Greek god?

Thank you self check out for allowing me to buy something almost exclusively with dimes and not feel judged.

One Of My Very Own...

 One That Only Looks Like One Of My Own...

I think it’s a travesty that Sean Bean’s name doesn’t rhyme.

I’ll tell you the best thing about being old; you hear the doorbell while taking a shit, you just smile and whisper, “Fuck you.”

A study shows that babies born in the winter months started crawling 4 weeks earlier than babies born in the summer and fall.

Speaking of wives...
Finally, something she can't blame on us...

My wife sent me this to remind me of her excitement of our upcoming Canadian trip...
I actually remember being rather sad...erosion always depresses me.

I used to cry a lot after sex….the mace, you know.

And nature said, "Fuck Florida and fuck Cuba."

My great-nephew is thinking about a tattoo concerning mythology. This is for him...
 Speaking of...
Oh, the humanity.

There is a great way to tell if something is haunted or not. It’s not.

How wonderful...
But how would you clean the bird shit off the roof?

Kiefer & Donald Sutherland, 1970

Overheard at a bar: “Yeah, I do mind so many homosexuals on TV…. it’s like they’re shoving it down our throats.”
No one but me laughed.

Doesn't firing unguided stupid rockets sound like a guy who was mauled by a dog going back to poke it with a stick?

There is a coffee enema joke in there some place.

Tis better to have loved and lost than to live with a psycho for the rest of your life.

 Am I the only one who silently judge people who have names like this?

Somewhere out there, there is a pregnant teenager thinking that Ebola would make a great name for a child.

 I live in a college town and have to confess that I have seen dozens of students walk right across traffic without ever removing their eyes from their cellphones.
More about college...

Society: “Silly woman, sexy boobs are for men, not for feeding babies!”

 Since the wheels are coupled together, one cannot move faster than the other.  Here is how you get around the difference in wheel speeds needed to turn without dragging one wheel...

How to make a man's dick tingle...
There is a jig that does that, but it's still difficult.

Guy seemed to know what he's talking about...

‘Involucion Primate’, A Kinetic Sculpture That Depicts Humans Evolving and Devolving in an Endless Loop

Or as I call it, "Something Else I Can't Afford".

The scale of this is larger than you can imagine...

I used to own a rifle like that...
British Infield 303, bought it at Woolworth's.

I'm working on a photo-essay called "In Praise Of The Female Foot". 
I know it will be a lot of work and, quite frankly, I'm a little lazy of late.

Want to guess what this is?
 A single human hair removed from a zipper.

Everybody needs one of these...

When my wife takes a nap, it's "desperately needed rest." When I do, it's "lazy chauvinist wasting time."

 Years ago I met a delightful young man who painted billboards...before they were just printed out. He told me he did this sort of thing all the time.

Smart man.

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