About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, October 12, 2014



Modern Christianity is nothing but a rebooted version of Judaism mashed up with some new tales and the old Roman and Greek polytheistic traditions.
 Independent thought alarm

"I don’t believe in the moon. I think it’s just the back of the moon."
That is how I feel discussing Adam and Eve with a believer.

"My religion is Athenaism. I worship Athena, the god of wisdom."
Would you really expect everyone to respect that?

A 13-year-old Turkish boy was killed instantly when he was hit on the head by a sacrificial goat that had jumped off the roof of a building in a bid to escape. Heval Yildirim was killed instantly when he was hit by the sacrificial goat that had been bought to the home in the province of Diyarbakir in south-eastern Turkey by the teenager's father to celebrate Eid al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice.

My wife and I know many people who make a living tattooing people. We have donated money to P.ink, an organization that offers free tattooing for women who are breast cancer survivors...
My wife has been down at the site for two days, offering encouragement and needed financial help.
But that's not why I'm posting this.
One of the above images were reported to Facebook for nudity.
Imagine that. What kind of fools people can be.

This is a very interesting story. The man just dropped off the map and nobody knows why...
What does that tell you about our intelligence agencies?


 Half the world explained in one cartoon.

I like to stare people right in the eye and ask them if they really think that the first woman (as an afterthought) was made from the rib of the first man. I have never met anyone who said they did without a qualifying statement.

This whole gay loathing thing is, to me, irrational, but I'm not gay. Think how you would feel if you were...

This is the kind of logic stupid people come up with...
 It sounds so....inspiring; but it's self-fulfilling. If it happens it was meant to happen. If it doesn't happen, it was not meant to happen. I want to play poker with the guy that came up with that.

 Why? You have a brain.

I have an idea, let's shame every human on the planet...
And the pastor jerks off as much as anyone else. 

Yeah, of course he did.
But god forbid that I, a mere human, fuck your world up with the truth. 
 Okay, there I've said it.

 And not only that, you think throwing virgins in a volcano god is as stupid as I think is the story of the flood and the ark.

 I only posted that because of the guy's name. I know someone with a similar name.

People often tell me that I take the bible out of context.
I counter with an example: If you open a cookbook and find a recipe and as you scan the ingredients you come upon "Two Pound Of Dog Shit", you are allowed to yell hey, the book says I should use dog shit in my pie. That is taking it out of context, but so what. It's what it says. 


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