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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 16, 2014



Thinking of joining the Mars One mission to establish a permanent colony on the red planet? Here's something to consider before signing on the dotted line: a new computer simulation by students at MIT shows that the colonists would likely face a range of deadly problems, including starvation and suffocation.

What exactly did the simulation show? For starters, oxygen given off by the colony's crops would build up--raising the risk of fires and placing structural stress on the habitat. The habitat would automatically vent excess gas into space, but eventually the colony's nitrogen tanks would be depleted. That would make it impossible to sustain sufficiently high air pressure within the habitat, and the colonists would suffocate.

Stefan Mitrovic of Serbia grabs a flag depicting so-called Greater Albania, an area covering all parts of the Balkans where ethnic Albanians live, that was flown over the pitch during their Euro 2016 Group I qualifying soccer match against Albania at the FK Partizan stadium in Belgrade, Serbia, October 14, 2014. 

Fans and players of Serbia and Albania clash during their Euro 2016 Group I qualifying soccer match at the FK Partizan stadium in Belgrade, Serbia, October 14, 2014.

 This is the interior of an invention that could change civilization as we know it: A compact fusion reactor developed by Skunk Works, the stealthy experimental technology division of Lockheed Martin. It is the size of a jet engine and they say it will be operative in only 10 years.


 Protester barricade in Hong Kong.

Give this very interesting short film a go...


EBOLA....I mean....DAMN.

What I found amazing is that there are people who actually thought the US government could handle a crisis. We have been watching it fuck up just about everything it touched for 50 years, yet we still think the government would swoop in like the guys descending on the house in the movie ET. But, no. 
Did you know that the Chief Medical Officer of the United States is the Surgeon General. You know why you haven't heard from him/her? Because WE DON'T HAVE ONE!!!
I don't think it's time to panic yet, but how fucked up can it get before we all panic. And by panic, what the fuck do we do? Horde beef stew? Buy masks and rubber gloves? NOBODY EVEN KNOWS HOW TO PANIC! Rational reasoning is not a fairy that dances in the gardens of most Americans. Most of us (and this is true) will just pray for everything to work out to a satisfactory conclusion....and if not? It was god's will and there was nothing we could have done about it anyway.
My wife, in one  of her rare bouts of sanity, said, "Fuck it. We've both had a great life. If we die, we die."
So that's what I'm going to do. Resign myself to dying because my government don't know it's ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to a potentially planet threatening virus.
Think that can't happen in America? Of course not....we have professionals in charge of this and they have practiced this sort of thing.........what?......oh, NEVER! Those guys don't even know how to dress!!!
But the young people I hang out with have a very important question. If Ebola kills off most of the United States, will they still have to pay back their student loans?
Times are getting scary! ISIS taking over the Middle East, Ebola in America, the Cowboys are 5-1....WHO THE HELL FUCKED WITH THE MATRIX?!?

Now let's move on to more important matters....DISTRACTION!

The first base coach for the KC Royals is name Rusty Kuntz. I swear. There is a wife joke in there somewhere.


Archimedes of Syracuse: Arguably the smartest human ever...

When he solved a particularly difficult problem he was fond of running through the streets naked yelling "Eureka"…Greek for “I have found it.” My kind of guy.
More to the point...
If you think about it with just the right attitude, any point is clothing optional. 

One more thought about the US government. One of its aircraft dropped an H-Bomb (that's the really, REALLY big one) in a marsh in North Carolina, like, 50 years ago and can't find it.
How big?
And it's still out there.....A HYDROGEN BOMB!!!
How the fuck do we dress for that? Nobody knows that either....but I recommend A LOT of sunscreen.
But not to worry, the government officials have a big ass bunker to see them through anything that my befall the rest of us.

Yes, this is exactly what it looks like...

Guy burns wood with magnifying glass...

I hate to always be such a spoil-sport, but how do you clean the inside of the glass chimney?

A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.

For my friend, Kent, who probably just threw up...

No one’s voice matches their appearance more than an old black man.

 I don't know what competitive mothering is.

Look at the guy at the other table...

Chrissy Steltz of Oregon was just 16-years-old when she was shot in the face with a shotgun. The blast destroyed her eyes and her nose. Eleven years later surgeons created a prosthetic face to cover her injuries.

I hope you know who that is...

This guy is hilarious...

Another reason religion sucks...

A groundbreaking and Hawaiian blessing ceremony came to an abrupt end before it could really get underway Tuesday because of protesters who oppose plans to build one of the world's largest telescopes near the summit of a mountain held sacred by Native Hawaiians.

Shit you don't see everyday....these were said to be police officers...

There is a very important lesson to be learned here...
I bet he won't fall...."fall"...for that trick again.

One Of My Very Own...

More shit you don't see anymore...

Something I've never thought about...
And if I'm not mistaken, that's why Canada has more coastline than any other country.

This reminds me of me...
By the way....thanks for your time. My viewer count pleasures me. 

I have a thing for arches....
 If you build it right, you won't have to build it again for a long, long time...
I can easily imagine building scaffolding to form the arch, then placing the stones until they support their own weight.
But what about this one?

Said to be true facts...
Cursive is a waste of time. I once told a very intelligent woman my thoughts on that and she said, "Well, you can't print thank you notes!" She's kind of blueblood.

There are people who actually abide by the law and wait 21 years to have a drink of alcohol. Let that sink in.

(I think that is a very, very funny concept)

Another costume idea...

This is somebody's driveway...

There are shows you can watch while you eat…then there’s The Walking Dead.

There is? I'm sorry, but I wouldn't bring that out in a debate if I were you.

Once I wrote that there was a chance that your favorite movie star was taking a shit at this very moment...
"Amaaaaaaal?! Would you bring me a roll of toilet paper. We're out, Sweetie-Woo."
"Goddamnit, George, why didn't you check the fucking roll before you stunk the place up? Jeeeez!" 

On one of my journeys I saw twelve or so mansions that flanked a landing strip and each house had a hangar like this...
It was so far in the middle of Bumfuck, Egypt they probably take it into the nearest Walmart for groceries.
Here in the American South we call any out of the way place, Bumfuck, Egypt. Nobody knows why.
An Italian phrase with the same meaning is "in culo alla luna," literally "in the moon's ass".
In modern Spanish, it's "donde Cristo perdió el gorro," literally "where Christ lost his hat".
In Argentina we say "donde el Diablo perdió el poncho", "where the Devil lost his poncho".
In Indonesian it's "Tempat jin buang anak" -- Where genies throw away little children.
In French "le trou du cul du monde",  the asshole of the world.

This could be your back yard simply by doing nothing...

A device that shoots paper airplanes...
 And it was stated that it was 3D printed. Exactly what the world has always needed.

 There are two nations in the world that are "doubly-landlocked," meaning that they have no seacoast and all the countries that surround them have no seacoast. One of these two countries is Uzbekistan, for whom the United States has purchased an armored patrol boat for it to use to patrol its rivers. The other doubly-landlocked country is identified at the Neatorama source (hint: it's not in Asia).  Can you identify it without looking? (the answer was not given)
And here's Uzbekistan's navy...

Let's revisit this for newer viewers....
She has her va-jay-jay scanned...

 Then 3D prints it...
You go, girl! 
By the way...
 And then this...
 That tells me that it is maldesigned. Don't you girls feel cheated? Let's discuss this.

Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by a Monday.

And what's so bad about that?

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