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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, October 17, 2014

FRIDAY #2140


So it took a caravan of police cars to accompany the ambulance...
 ...then there's that one prick with no protection AT ALL casually helping out.


ESA's Optical Ground Station took this extraordinary video of the International Space Station on October 8 as it was being illuminated by a 3.6-Watt 532-nm green laser. The video was taken at 7 frames per second, but the final effects is amazing. It's incredible to see it moving like that.


Afghanistan veteran Sam Arnold uploaded this spine-chilling video of a US Marine getting a direct headshot from a Taliban sniper—only to be saved by his kevlar helmet. It's incredible to watch, especially the face of relief and disbelief of the impact victim. That was a really close call.


A rare beaked whale has washed up on a Newcastle beach...

 Speaking of beaches...

Beach infested with sharks – North Carolina.


10 year old kills 90 year old neighbor – to be tried as adult. Mother said she was terrified of him.
I once taught a child that the mother was terrified of him. She told me she had to lock her bedroom door every night for fear that he would kill her in her sleep and more than once he would try to pry the door open in the middle of the night.
At my school there was a Code Red that was announced over the PA system. That meant that every male in the school had to rush to that location to over-power a threatening child. Three times we were called to haul the kid to the office and wait on a police car to come and restrain him and take him away. It took 6 months of this before the paperwork and documentation was completed to send him to a “special” school.
Now, imagine you snowflake sitting next to this kid in class for six months.

Ansel Adams called photographer William Mortensen "the Antichrist"...

I think Ansel was wrong.

Pornhub offers no panda porn. What’s up with that?

Carl Akeley posed with the leopard he killed with his bare hands after it attacked him, 1896

I've posted this before, but I still think it's one awesome image...
The unbroken seal on Tutankhamun’s tomb, 1922 (3,245 years untouched).

A gang of skinny dippers is chased down the street at Hyde Park by a police woman, 1926

Does it occur to anyone else that she seems to be enjoying her job just a little too much...

A flight simulator in 1942

This is what you call a "hard sell"...
Coca Cola is introduced in France, 1950

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro fishing, 1960

The Beatles play for 18 people in the Aldershot club, December 1961. They were to become superstars in one and a half years’ time.

A foreskin away from death: a Pakistani soldier during Bangladesh’s 1971 war of independence examines whether the man is circumcised or not (i.e., Hindus are not).

Transporting the Apple, the first Indian satellite, 1981.

Black officer protecting KKK member from protesters, 1983.

I found that hilarious. 

Nikki Haley (who [whom?] my wife loathes) had a major fuck up in her campaign ad...

I don’t know how to spell tchotchkey much less know what it means.

How old must this be...

Think of the psychics involved with this...

Apparently lice was never an issue at Hogwarts.

Irrational fear is highly contagious.

Spurious correlation...

The first time he saw a TV...

Hawk takes down a drone...
By the way, the manufacturers of drones don't like the term "Drone". They are searching for a more intelligent term. "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" was deem kind of stupid, since there is in fact a man controlling it. Anyway, in the article they used the phrase "Keeping up with the droneses," which I though was rather clever for a nerd.

Astronaut Reid Wiseman captured this sequence of the Dragon spaceship "breathing fire as it rendezvoused with the International Space Station last week." The spacecraft was firing its thrusters to adjust its course.
Fucking amazing.

A Praying Mantis eating a bee alive...
Or maybe it's a fly.

There is pottery and there is pottery...
 Imagine doing that all day every day. Those will become some sort of prayer candles that sell for mere pennies each.

"Isn't she beautiful?"

Speeches from US presidents have gotten dumber over time...

I pride myself on being able to tell jokes that make people love me a little bit less every time.

One Of My Very Own....

The “www” abbreviation contains more syllables than what it stands for.

Patent for a GREAT eating utencil that never caught on...

These USBs show how full they are...

My wife made me coffee this morning and winked at me when she handed me the cup. I’ve never been more scared to drink anything in my life.

 To dark?

So why can't we do something like this for personal transportation?  

Bummer. The best laid plans.

Those are shadows!

Google Streetview...unexplained...

Welcome to Life 101, little buddy....

How Dali and Halsman made "In Voluptas Mors"...

It was a sad day in Mudville...

DALeast creates a new mural for Urban Forms in Lodz, Poland...

Life is too short to waste time looking for matching socks. If you just wear the first two odd socks you come to, you have so much more time for other activities.

How innovative...

What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?

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