About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014



 Unedited picture of rescuers at a shrine near the summit of Mt. Ontake, the volcano which erupted last week, killing at least 51 with 13 still buried under rocks and ash...



If you want to name your baby girl Harriet, don't live in Iceland. The country recently denied 10-year-old Harriet Cardew's passport renewal request because her name doesn't comply with Icelandic baby naming laws. Her name doesn't appear on the approved list of 1,853 female and 1,712 boy names.
(can you imagine being told by the government what you can and cannot name your own child? I can not)

Let's all take a minute and realize the lack of creativity in the name "fireplace".

 "Get your ass off my fence..."

My wife tries not to worry about the future, so she takes each day one anxiety attack at a time.

Neil Armstrong was the first human being on the moon.
Neil A.
Now say that backwards.
Coincidence? I think not.

What if North Korea really is a utopia and our government is pulling a Kim Jong-Un?

You know how I am about headlines...
Oklahoma man charged with murder in beheading of co-worker

(well, one would hope so)

Clemson student dies in fall from cruise ship mast
(think of his parents having to explain this for the rest of their lives)
Here's some more....

I wonder if anyone would have survived this test...
 But in all likelihood, the boat was empty and my have behaved differently had there been a couple of tons of humans in it.

You should know that I take my sarcasm very seriously.

This portrait made with electric sparks is the ultimate homage to Tesla...

A hundred alpinists doing crazy things...

There are better things in life than alcohol, but alcohol makes up for not having them.

Never bite the hand that gives you a handjob.

One Of My Very Own...

When no one is watching, I masturbate as if someone is.

Be responsible about pet adoption and wait until you're desperately lonely.

Just wanted to remind you to have someone besides everyone on Facebook examine your breasts.

 Tread lightly, my friend, tread lightly...

Guy turns his amputated leg into a lamp...

My wife eats with the confidence of a much thinner woman.

I've never been held hostage, but I have had dinner with my wife's family.

I'm sorry you mistook my criticism as constructive.

Yeah, like she didn't practice that in front of a full-length mirror for hours.

Protestor some damn place catches a tear gas canister and throws it back...

My favorite part of winter is watching it on TV from my patio while wearing my flip-flops.

"How's phone reception in the bathroom?" is an important question but one you can't ask on a job interview.

I'm not saying we should, but, like, has anyone ever given a sloth cocaine?

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