have captured the most detailed image yet of planet formation around a young,
sun-like star...
As I understand it, the dark bands are where the new planets are swallowing up the debris.
Do you think you live here... do this for most of your waking hours?
I find it mind numbingly boring...
I post many images of the fall of the wall...
That's because it marked very clearly the decline of my chance to be vaporized with an H-bomb. I found it one of the most dramatic events of the century.
I recently viewed a photo essay about where the pieces of the wall ended up - and they ended up all over the world...
This next one is a piece of the Berlin Wall, which has been on display at the
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum since 1990....
How appropriate, since he more or less demanded that the wall come down.
Ten segments of the Berlin Wall, which constitute the longest
stretch outside of Berlin, are seen on display in Los Angeles, California
September 18, 2014. On November 9, Germany will celebrate the 25th anniversary
of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I remember all sorts of images of people risking life and limb to flee East Berlin. They still touch me...
And then one day it was gone...
The more
I talk, the more I understand why I don’t have many friends.
Oh, Jack.
You know
that feeling when you yawn at a bar and your inner poor star moan comes out.
As I have often stated, I hang out with a whole bunch of young college students. I really hate to say it, but I bet less than 10% of them would get the above joke.
And he scared the shit out of US scared there seems to be no end to the freedoms we will give away if someone just promises us we will be safe.
But at other times Americans had a reason to be afraid and didn't freak out...
And some of our grandparents had real bombs falling out of the sky daily and refused to act like scared rabbits...
(A V-1 flying
bomb lands in a street off Drury Lane, London, 1944)
And in other parts of the world, WE are the ones raining down death on children...(a Banksy)....
Speaking of messages on a wall...
I have no idea who did this or what it means, but I'm still insulted...
The coldest of cold shoulders...
How much
kale do I have to eat to offset an entire bag of Mini Snickers bars?
Ladies and gentlemen, an idiot...
Look, I don't care if you don't want to wear a helmet, but this man in putting those wee children in great peril. On more than one occasion I have seen a grown man let his motorcycle fall over while at a complete stop. He has no right to do that.
If find
it strange that to a woman nothing is more offensive to a woman than being
asked if they are on their period while they are on their period.
I have no idea what that means, but it seemed like a cool thing to scream on a train.
How nice...
First, let's take a looks at a few photographs...
You are what you eat...
A park ranger reacts to insanity...
Poaching is a VERY REAL problem, with idiots thinking that their
horns, made of the same material as our nails and hair, have medicinal
properties. If nothing is done, the next generation (our children) will never
see a rhino except in photographs.
Grandmother's stove was missing a knob...
So the guy scanned one of the other ones and 3D printed a new one...
And as you can see, the chances of finding another knob was remote...
bite the hand that gives you handjobs.
New take on old Disney movies...
Just in
case I was wrong, I’ve gotten too fat for the Rapture.
Dad catches fish...
Fish attacks daughter...
But she looks like she was having a good time anyway...
Sleeping on top of a mountain...
Imagine awakening to the smell of cooking bacon and coffee there.
My bucket
list is more or less my Netflix queue.
Except it's my money that they've been holding for me for 50 years.
Damn, India! Get with the program.
Got this from The Hunger Games movie...
I think it should be printed on all US currency.
Most days I eat my lunch in my truck while a man reads a book to me. This is where I park on Tuesday's...
That's where the Gamecocks play football.
My wife
gets excited by the sound of my laptop closing.
"Did your mom pick out that get up for you?"
I think
there should be a law that it’s okay to steal from stores that put up Christmas
stuff before Thanksgiving.
Mug changes with temperature...
Oh, look, that one has two stars for nipples.
The engine of a Bugatti Veyron...
I remember
that New Year’s Eves when I got so drunk I kissed the person I'm married to.
1 comment:
I find the picture of the excellent parenting skills of that biker ironic. I mean, he's likely not a member of BACA, but the fact that the organization exists as well as this photo. Comical.
Bikers Against Child Abuse
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