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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


I love everything about women's feet.
I've kissed many toes. I've sucked many toes. I'm not really weird about it, I just like to do it. 
I've also kissed women's hands, ears, noses, asses, breasts, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc....and that doesn't make me weird either.
But feet....feet are special.
All human feet are evolutionary wonders...

Think of the wide range of positions it can take and still look feminine...

And the things they can do...

Women's feet are elegant just by their mere design...
A little color here and there only complements them...

I love it when women do this...
 ...and the good ones know it.
Just look at that perfect design...

And adornment can only enhance their allure...

I would prefer that women go barefoot forever, but there are drawback...
Soiling comes to mind...

...and or puncture wounds. 

But think how it feels to balance without a shoe sole between you and and the entire planet...
Just you and the world...connected...
To feel the grass

 The surf...
Rough textures...
...and smooth textures.

Just look at the amazing design...
Who could not love that design?

So you have to wear shoes....sometimes...

Please make an effort to show off your feet. They are magnificent...

And that is why I think cheap flip flops is the greatest invention of all time...

So give it a try. 
Break the fucking rules. 
Feel the earth beneath you feet... 
...like you were designed to feel it.
You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

What a great post. You managed to show the beauty of the female foot without making it weird.
A barefoot woman walks different, and its like it accentuates everything feminine about her, and seeing the sole of her foot is like a special gift, almost a show of trust. I especially like the one in the car. I've never asked any of my girlfriends to do that but I was very happy when they did

Anonymous said...

Thank you.
Towanda's toes

Unknown said...


Secret Squirrel said...

Glad I'm not alone! I love women's feet. So sensual.

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