I've made something...
...and I made it from the other half of the bone I bought to make my cane.
It's like a club weapon thing and...I like it.
On the handle I stamped...
My daughter helped me with the copper wire part, which evidently I am too incompetent to do myself...
I would like to give it to a young child one of these days and expect him/her to one day just say: "He made this for me, but I don't know what it means....yet."
I often
sit quietly and wonder why I’m not in a mental asylum.
Another tune for you to listen to while you scroll.
This is a homeless man from Mexico city in, I think it's called, "Mexico's Got Talent". I watched another much longer clip where it has the staff cleaning him up for his performance. I think you will enjoy it...and do crank up the volumn if you aren't at work...
Why are
all nuns so hot?
This one beat me. Give it more time than I did...
The door isn't big enough for the larger animals.
Another poser:
Another poser:
This is a little confusing at first, but I figured it out...
The truck was on its side during the snow.
See anything odd about this?
Not really.
knowledge I have about PornHub is the equivalent to the knowledge Neil DeGrasse
Tyson has of science.
There is no such thing as giving young children too many experiences...
That is a friend of mine named Max. At this stage in his life, his job is to learn anything and everything you can throw at him. The trick is to keep throwing and watch him take one experience and relate it to another.
who has ever had a shower has had a good idea.
I know it's simplistic. I know real life has some much nuance that this simplistic choice some times seems impossible...
But I know too many people who are absolutely miserable and feel trapped by decisions they made years ago. At my age waking up in the morning is reason enough to celebrate....I mean that.
All I can say is that this is it...this is your life...if you find yourself hating to wake up every morning, then you need to fucking change something.
Alcohol does great things...terrible, yes, but great.
A few nice images of animals...
always wanted to be a doctor just so I could ask people how they managed to get a
lightbulb stuck up their ass, then listen to the great lies they must have
planned all the way to the hospital.
Ran across this war images and thought I would share...
And this...
Christmas packages for WWII servicemen reported missing or
killed in action....
I walked on that beach not too long ago...
Standing there looking up at the cliff where Germans were sending down a rain of bullets made me shudder.
I wonder how many people today walk down this path and have no idea that dead "workers" are probably mere feet below them...
A Japanese
family returning home (Seattle, Washington) from a relocation camp....
And never forget that those were US citizens.
And getting killed or wounded is not our warriors' only concern...
We have
cars that park themselves but I still gotta wave my hand 15 times before a
paper towel comes out the dispenser. Where are our priorities?
The Apennine Colossus. Florence, Italy...
Just for
a gag I rolled an apple down a hallway at the hospital just to watch the doctor
scurry for cover.
Anybody know anything about this practice?
I really like Bill Murray.
If there’s
one thing women don’t want to find in her stockings on Christmas morning it’s
the husband’s cum…just for once…for her…use your own sock.
At one
point, every man named Ralph was a baby and was introduced by his parents as
“This is my baby, Ralph.” How fucked up is that shit.
One Of My Very Own...
That was awful, but I have a rule to post every single one of them that I put in the file.
Due to the absurdity, this is more like my sense of humor...
I'm giving my car to the Kidney folks. Here was an option....
With the popularity of Walking Dead, "Walkers" may not have been the best choice of terms.
Disposable cameras are fun, but what a waste. You don't ever get to see your pictures.
Dear Ladies,
Showing a guy your new shoes is like yelling at your cat. They don't care.
All Men Everywhere.
Well, well, well...
Dear Guys Who Own Cats And Let Them Sleep On Your Bed,
Do they curl up inside your enormous vagina?
The World
And they say Asians are so smart...
Subtle, this.....
This year
I plan to start putting off my Christmas shopping extra early.
I'm not sure if I could ever explain to a non-artist how terrifying a blank canvas can be...
What to pick up women? Hang out in the freezer section next to the lean cuisines...they are all vulnerable there.
How much better it would have been without the cars.
Many years ago I ended each post with a segment titled "Women Who Look Like Sluts, But Probably Aren't."
This picture would have made the cut...
...but I got tons of criticism from people who didn't like the word "sluts" no matter how it is used...
This beautiful young woman perfectly symbolizes a person with regrets...
I think the title of that last image is "Quitters Never Win," which pretty much sums it up.
Waone from
Interesni Kazki creates "Time For Change", a new mural in Kiev,
Here are some details...
I can only assume the symbolism was not lost on local viewers, but it escapes me.
Got 4 minutes to learn everything you need to know about parenting? Teenage son decides to film himself mircrowaving a glow stick and what happens is what you would expect to happen, but the reaction of the father is priceless...
If you
have a cash bar at your wedding you should be embarrassed enough to never show
your face in public again
Two male lions.
Yup. Note the manes.
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