Pete Seeger's 90th birthday in Washington, DC.
It made me get a little wet eyed, but maybe you're a stronger person than I...
Well, I missed that there are two homosexual male lions, which would not have been allowed on the ark, of all places.
My Green Bay Packers are looking very good also.
Cowboy fans at London's game Sunday...
Cow Boys.
A group of
protesters set fire to the wooden door of Mexican President Enrique Pena
Nieto's ceremonial palace during a protest denouncing the apparent massacre of
43 trainee teachers, in the historic center of Mexico City.
Police said they were called to an incident at a hostel in the
village of Argoed in South Wales on Thursday after reports of a man attacking a
woman. Security staff at the Sirhowy Arms discovered the 34-year-old man, who
had been released from prison two weeks ago, trying to eat the eyeball and face
of a woman, a 22-year-old believed to be his girlfriend, according to witnesses
quoted by the South Wales Evening Post. He was tased but became unresponsive;
both the man and the victim were subsequently pronounced dead
When you think about it just right, we will all subsequently be
pronounced dead.
"The AT&T DriveMode app for iPhone is now available on
the App Store – making it the first free no-texting-while-driving application
offered by a major U.S. wireless carrier that works on the iPhone. The app is
easy to use. It silences incoming text message alerts, turns on automatically
when one drives 15 MPH or more and turns off shortly after one stops. When
activated, it automatically responds to incoming SMS and MMS text messages so
the sender knows the text recipient is driving. It also allows parents with
young drivers to receive a text message if the app is turned off."
agreed to tax only one quarter of 1 percent of FedEx’s non-dividend income
flowing through this arrangement — leaving the remaining 99.75 per cent
The companies will argue publicly that this is all
legal. It's legal because tax laws have been created by the politicians
they bought to make it legal.
Indian authorities hold a tiger skin as they set fire to a
stockpile of illegal wildlife parts at the Delhi Zoo in New Delhi, India,
Sunday, November 2, 2014. A stockpile of tiger skins, elephant tusks, rhino
horns and other illegal animal parts were burned Sunday in an effort to
discourage wildlife smuggling in South Asia....
I have a problem with such things.
Once I saw a mountain of poached elephant tusks stacked up and burned. That bothered me on two levels. First, the protection people desperately need money. Why not sell the ivory to raise money to save the remaining elephants. Also, flooding the market with that ivory would drive the price down, hopefully down to the threshold of making poaching unprofitable.
Look, guys, I don't make this shit up. It walks right in the front door and presents itself to me and I share. I'm not picking on any one...
...but if your Momma named you Adrianandious Blackeyes, I think we can all agree it's worth ridicule.
And if these guys were white, I would have also posted it...
"Hogging all the vagina". You can't make that shit up.
[waiter leans over]
"Sir, again, there are no monsters under the
this is just the wine talking, but I'm fermented grapes inside a guy's stomach
making him think he's funny.
In obese
women, bariatric surgery (to reduce stomach size) led to improved mental
flexibility in responding to competing tasks.
In a
double-blind taste test, people could not distinguish cheap wine from expensive
(my bet is that they used people who don't know shit about wine)
I like the clean look...
...but how did it ever pass code without hand rails?
Anne Frank writing at her desk in her room in the Merwedeplein
Now think about that sort of...waste; multiplied millions of times. I literally makes me nauseous.
(I have another Jewish thing later, but I didn't want them connected in any way. Thinking about it, I probably shouldn't have even presented them in the same post)
Fast ain't they...
This is a repost of one photograph of objects very carefully placed....
My fall
jacket is just my unzipped winter jacket.
But I laugh when I think about the man standing on a stage in front of a very diverse group of people, and he asked, "If you found out tomorrow that there positively was no god, would you go out and kill somebody?"
Not one person in the audience would do such a thing.
Morality has nothing to do with an invisible man in the sky. Think. Just think about it.
Not one person in the audience would do such a thing.
Morality has nothing to do with an invisible man in the sky. Think. Just think about it.
That pain
in your side you get when you run is called a “stitch” or “side stitch," and
the cause is a complete mystery.
(and interesting to me is that horseback riders get it too)
I bet you don't see this coming...
This is the size of those thousands of frogs I saw imprinted in a sidewalk one time. It was a sight to behold...
unable to parallel park without turning my music down.
There are many questions like this on some of the sites I visit regularly.
I kind of like this one...
What a wonderful cook space...
Unless you ever want to wake up to this...
Korean gas station with hanging pumps...out of the they should be...
I mean it, that's a great idea.
This came to me without explanation. Do with it as you will...
Chinese should get off their butts and step it up in the dessert department.
Why my wife now has trust issues with me...
What's the most cited research paper ever?
The most frequently cited paper, with 305,148 citations, is
"Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent," by Lowry,
Rosebrough, Farr and Randall.
And that's the kind of thing you can't find in just any old blog.
People visit the "Nueva Esperanza" (New Hope) cemetery
during the Day of the Dead celebrations on the outskirts of Lima, Peru...
Ancestor worship at its finest.
If it’s
so normal and well-intended, why don’t men tell other men to smile.
blind mice walk into a bar. They are all unaware of their surroundings, so to derive
humor from it would be exploitative.
One Of My Very Own...
I apologize for that lame piece of shit OOMVO.
Let's try another...
Imagine a
world where cows were endangered and we raised pandas for their meat.
I don't give a shit about Jewish people one way or the other, but the truth is, the cheapest people I have ever met just happened to be Jewish. I've also had Jewish people tell me that Jewish people are extreme misers....but not in condemnation, but praise.
So in his honor I present this...
Yeah, there will be people (spelled m.y.w.i.f.e.) who will tell me I simply can't make fun of Jews.
Bullshit. I'm an old man and I can make fun of anybody I please.
Yeah, there will be people (spelled m.y.w.i.f.e.) who will tell me I simply can't make fun of Jews.
Bullshit. I'm an old man and I can make fun of anybody I please.
Well, this narrows it down a bit...
What do
two guys do when they catch each other masturbating on Chat Roulette? Do they
just give each other a courteous nod before pressing next? I imagine that’s how
they do it.
Quality humor here folks, only quality humor...what you've come to expect here at Folio Olio.
Notice what you're looking at...
It's a glass rendition of what the ruin looked like, and seen from just the right angle gives you this wonder.
I don't know a man alive that wouldn't want one of these...
Speaking of pretty cool vehicles...
Can you
frigerate something before you refrigerate it?
One does not simply "stumble upon" design sense like this...
To gain that kind of perfection one must study the works of others. In a word...that is art.
I have a thing about ruins...especially stairs...
And I can vividly imagine a young man watching his lover ascend those stairs when the stairs were as magnificent as they were.
And when he got to the bedroom, he would have found this magnificent creature with that come hither pose...
And afterwards, this....
I'm awful.
You might
as well believe in yourself, because the rest of us think you’re an idiot.
We all carry a portable lie detector at all times and it's called ears. According to this Ted Lesson we can tell if someone is lying just by analyzing his language. This technique called "Linguistic Text Analysis" is based on the difference between how we structure sentences in invented and true stories.
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