About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 24, 2014

MONDAY #2178

Here's a very short clip that may just come in handy some day...

I mean....damn...

This November 11, 2014 aerial photo, shows a deforested area dotted with blue tarps, marking the area where miners reside, and craters filled with water, caused by illegal gold mining activities, in La Pampa, in Peru's Madre de Dios region. Less than a month before Peru plays host to global climate talks, the government sent a battalion of police into southeastern jungles to dismantle illegal gold-mining mining camps. Peru's anti-illegal mining czar, retired army Gen. Augusto Soto, marched the men to the wasteland known as La Pampa, where 50,000 hectares of rainforest have been obliterated in the past six years.


 In Britain, a new bus running between Bath and the Bristol airport uses biomethane for power. The gas is derived from human sewage and food waste.


A potash mine in the Perm region, Russia, has collapsed, leaving behind a gigantic sinkhole in the middle of an abandoned town. It's scary but that's not the real bad news: a connected mine just few miles away sits right underneath a town full of people and houses and experts say it may collapse too.


This thing with Bill Cosby is just a matter of he said, she, she, she, she, she, she, she, said.


They found a skull on Mars...

 Here's a close-up...
(no it's not)

In an experiment, the women stood on the street and asked passersby to complete a survey. When the women were wearing flats, 25 out of 60 men (42 percent) agreed to pause and take the survey. When the women wore two-inch heels, 36 of 60 men (60 percent) agreed to take the survey. And that number spiked to 49 out of 60 men (82 percent) when the women wore the four-inchers. Female passersby stopped to complete the survey around a third of the time, no matter how high the confederates' heels were.

In another experiment, the confederates dropped a glove on the street and noted whether men retrieved it for them. What happened this time? Again, the same pattern emerged--with men playing the gentleman about 62 percent of the time when the confederates wore flats, and a whopping 93 percent of time when they wore high heels.

I’m never quite satisfied with the frequency of my windshield wipers.


This is true...
 Interesting way to look at it...
 No comment...
 A spoon with a built-in toothpick...
But why a spoon? Soup and such is liquid. Ought to be on a fork for meat.
Speaking of...

What if some men used to be able suck their own dicks, but natural selection removed that trait because that was all they did?

This is the sort of thing my friend does in Alaska...
He's the one who is paid to take a John Deere Gator along trails and fix whatever is wrong with them. As an outdoorsman he found the perfect employment.

I like this...

Surprisingly, it seems everybody on the internet knows about this cat....

When I watch a commercial that clearly cost millions of dollars to make, and then don’t buy that product, I feel like I won.

I'm still wondering if I have ever eaten an egg from the same hen twice.

 Life will find a way...

When your wife says she looks fat, agree with her. She will appreciate your honesty.

Do you recognize this guy?
Me neither.

What a wonderful photo...
Give it a minute if you don't "get" it.

I have a thing for stone...

Richard Overton, oldest living veteran of WWII. He is 108 years old...
 Speaking of...
Two things: 1) The enemy killed that morning were German Hessian mercenaries, 2) That was during the Little Age Age - note frozen Delaware River.

I find myself really, really wanting to know what that noise is.

If I lived here I would go insane(r) in a week...
Can we assume the foundations are sinking?

I don't understand the need for this...

Dear sneeze, if you’re going to happen, happen. Don’t put that stupid look on my face and then leave me hanging.

Indian farmers use cuddly stuffed toy tigers to save crops from elephants...
 How very clever.

 Let's be reminded about the stupid bastard from the clip the other day...
The one that put the glo-stick in the microwave...just to see what would happen.

Can we just agree that this cat has used up his nine lives all at once?

I didn't do this research, but I have heard similar facts...

WinCo Foods is an employee owned grocery chain which pays its 14,000 workers $11-$20/hour, provides health and dental insurance-even for part-timers, and invests 20% of an employee's salary into a pension which has turned 400 cashiers and clerks into millionaires. WinCo is "Walmart's worst nightmare" because they offer lower prices than the retail giant and are expanding massively across the US.

Is there anybody out there who could resist looking at Arnold's butt at the beginning of Terminator? Seriously.

50 Years of space missions and their paths among our solar system...
And now, fellow humans, we can add a landing on a comet.

Art installations demand that you deal with it. You may like it or hate it, but you can't ignore it.
This is 4 million Swiss five cent coins spread out on a museum floor...
 And this is a barricade made of chairs...

The number of times my wife has shouted “Fuck!” inside my truck has lowered its resale value by half.

Being technically correct is the best kind of correct. It is also the only kind of correct there is, technically.

One Of My Very Own...

My wife told me about the time when she was in college when her roommate was the daughter of the powerful Fritz Hollings, US Senator from South Carolina.
 Once she and the other girl were sitting in the kitchen smoking dope and had left the back door open to - get this - keep their bird from getting stoned. And right when they had finished, Senator Hollings walked in the back door...just dropped by to check on his offspring.
I asked why he didn't just ring the front doorbell and she said that they listened to the music really loud back then.
Anyway, they bird reminded me of that.

 I read a book about a future where wives and husbands never did the nasty, so they brought in young girls to have the babies and the wife was in the bed while her husband did the deed. What was the name of that book? Handmaiden something?

An African Giant Pouched Rat (also dubbed Hero Rats for their ability to sniff out mines and TB) receives a treat during training...

Three women who look like sluts but probably aren't as they follow the ridiculous instructions of a photographer...

I wrote a screenplay one time...
There is a program you can download to get all the formatting correct, and it's very specific. NOBODY will even read it is it's not in the perfect format. I worked very, very hard on it, but ended up just turning (returning) it into a novel.

MTO paints "My Name Is MO" in Lexington, Kentucky...
 Blank walls were born for political or social messages...
We need to be asking ourselves the same question.

They got this guy for 345,655,344,981,123 counts of trespassing.
I'm sorry. I can't help myself.

Another cargo ship in a storm...

365 days of Beijing pollution in one megamosaic...

PETA: The word “pet” is now politically incorrect. It is to be replaced with the title “animal companion.”

That’s one of my animal companion peeves.

That guy is my hero.

Whoever came up with the name for plastic explosives really missed an opportunity by not calling it Blastics.


Anonymous said...

The 365 day Beijing picture only has 224 pictures? WTF?

Ralph Henry said...

There are support groups for people like you.

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