About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014



 Maybe we can put the shirt thing to bed now.

Found a new Pastafarian hat that I can bend to fit my head perfectly...

My wife put that image on Facebook and a guy at my bar saw it and asked what it meant. So I explained that I am a Rastafarian and I worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He said, "Well, your Noodleness, what are the tenet of this religion." I thought that rather clever. 

A protester is arrested during a demonstration against police brutality in Nantes, western France...

 France? French cops beat citizens?!

This is damn near perfect...


 My wife and most of the people on the street (including cops) stood in awe at this beautiful double rainbow. My wife blirted out, "Let's go seek if there's a giant bag of reefer at the end of it!"


 Got my letter to the editor published today...
And strangely, they never called to make sure I was the one who wrote it....never happened that way before.

Mixed up my Ambien with my Adderall last night. I counted up to 10 thousand sheep, gave each a name, personality and dream of their own.
(that's a lie)

Lochnagar Crater Somme in France....
It was caused by a massive explosion on 1 July 1916. My guess is that it was an ammo dump.

 Ian is a robot thats 62″ and weighs 330 lbs and can do a lot of things humans can do. He was created by Boston Dynamics which is owned by Google. Ian came in 2nd place at the Robo Olympics and he can drive a car, act like the karate kid and do so much more. Its official, skynet is active.

Let's examine our use of language for a while...
As an old crossworder, I knew them all. They are used over and over.

I know this is silly, but the guy must have spent so much time putting it together...

Bathroom doors...


 Alfred Schnittke's gravestone, "A very loud silence(rest)".

My Top 5 Favorite Types of Towels:

1. Tea
2. Hand
3. Paper
4. Bath
5. Beach
(that's a lie. I don't even know what a tea towel is)
 I've also had many discussions concerning NASCAR as a real sport.

Every diurnal course I suspire to utilize six latterly matriculated words in daily discourse.

 This was the medium...

If you type the number 77345663 into a calculator and look at it upside down, it spells 'seashell'.

These were voted The Most Emotion Laden Images...

This guy must have never seen "Saving Private Ryan"...
Put. The. Helmet. Back. On. Your. Head!

 According to a study of the 2010 World Cup, facial width to height ratio (FWHR) predicts a player's aggressiveness in soccer. Midfielders, who play both offense and defense, and forwards, who lead the offense, with higher FWHRs were more likely to commit fouls. Forwards with higher FWHRs also were more likely to score goals or make assists.

You don't have to be a boxer to wear boxer shorts.

Wait for it.....

I just stapled 5 pieces of paper together, knowing that my stapler struggles with 4. If you're looking for the rule book, it's in the garbage can.

Just in time for Christmas...

During the 20-year period from 1994 to 2013, the Earth's atmosphere was hit by small asteroids resulting in fireballs (bolides) on at least 556 separate occasions--or essentially "all the time,"

I don’t agree with deliberately hiring men ahead of women. We need more hot chicks around offices.

Going five miles over the speed limit is the real speed limit and even the cops know it...unless you are a young black man, of course.

Let’s just find people with exactly the same faults we have, criticize them unmercifully, and see what they do. We could learn something.

 Guy named Paul Insect stencils spiders on the streets of London…

I think most people are just high-functioning sociopaths. But I like them anyway.

I believe that everyone else my age is an adult whereas I am merely in disguise.


There is no pain greater than watching a slow typer.

How clever...

The funny thing about a strong woman is that she doesn’t need you…she wants you.

When cars had style...

Dead at 80, Photographer Lucien Clergue...he's the one on the left next to another famous guy...

Here's an example of his work...
Think about that image when you view this...
One Of My Very Own...

Warwick University`s Rowing Girls Release Nude Calendar to raise funds...among other things...

 Good luck, girls...

This is a very strange image...

 Women: The weaker sex...

 If you are a man who is interested in women, you need one of these...
 No need to thank me, just doing my job.

Being offended all the time must be exhausting.


Anonymous said...


Sorry couldn't resist

Ralph Henry said...

What the fuck does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Your calculator analogy...you said it spells seashell...it actually spells eggshell... settle down there big fella...he he

Ralph Henry said...

Shit like that happens when you are watching Monday Night Football and drinking lots and lots of beer while putting the next day's blog together. I'm actually very surprised I don't fuck up more often.

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