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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 15, 2014



Philae Lander Has Begun Drilling Into Comet's Surface

Wow. Just fucking wow!

Dwindling battery makes comet probe drill results uncertain

The washing machine-sized craft is now resting in the shadow of a cliff on the celestial body and appears to be surrounded by rocks, preventing sunlight from reaching the solar panels that should power it once its primary batteries run down on Friday.

Well, shit.
Boy did I blow this post from last week...
 From alert commenter:

I'm not buying it....Grass can pull water from the soil around it. Blocking a sprinkler with a tree would not prevent it from getting enough water to grow. ...and if that tree WAS in fact blocking a sprinkler (and assuming that the lack of sprinkler water falling directly on it, would prevent the grass from growing), the 'void' that would cause, would not be a straight 'shadow' effect, but would get wider further from the tree. Apparently bricks do not grow from the lack of water either.


Human Footprints Discovered In Denmark Date Back 5,000 Years


You think this was staged?

I saw a lot of want to right there...

Wait for it....

It's called physics....learn it...

Holy shit, Claud, put a shoe on that crap!

He must be the new guy...

The instructions weren't clear...

Trip to the emergency room in 5...4...3...

Her boyfriend told her that her car needed some oil...
This is her boyfriend...

The instructions weren't clear...

This is EXACTLY why I don't ride one of those...

It must smell fish...

Oh, hell, let's watch her do this again...
 Out fucking cold.

 The locals didn't warn her about this cause they think the screams of terror are hilarious. It's those two little dicks jammed into her ears that really freaked her out.

Not all Saturday fuckups end badly...



Anonymous said...

Assuming there is no risk of it getting stolen, the sun reflector on the outside of the windshield would be more effective than inside. The glass would not get hot if it's on the outside. Positioned on the inside, the glass actually gets heated more than if there were no screen at all, as the heat is reflected back though the glass.

Ralph Henry said...

You think too much.

Spider Borland said...

Landed. Bounced twice. Came to a stop. Now the batteries dead. Sigh.

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