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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 12, 2014

FRIDAY #2196


America tortures people...
 When threatened we have always tortured people and so has every other nation on earth...
I know it's ugly. I know it's not something to be proud of. But I also know that the only reason we still have a White House is because some brave passengers stormed the hijackers in the cockpit. We try to act like we didn't torture prisoners in every war we've ever fought, but we all know differently. We even lie to ourselves...officially:

“Inhumane physical or psychological techniques are counterproductive because they do not produce intelligence and will probably result in false answers.” 
Know who wrote that? The CIA, in a CIA manual.

Now people who ought to know better are shocked...

"Dr Atul Gawande expressed his shock and disgust at the medical professionals who participated in the crimes documented in the CIA torture report."
And please don't tell me that just because every other country does it doesn't make it right. I'm not saying it's right...I'm saying it is very, very common and as long as large groups of people will do anything to kill another large group of people, there will always be torture. 
If you want to get upset about something, get upset about a drone blowing up a whole house full of men, women and children just to maybe kill one guy...the "right" guy.


Iowa to Offer a Mobile App That Serves as a Driver’s License in 2015...


Who the hell thought this would be a good idea...


Ran across this and HAD to post it immediately...
 It not only has my name, but the name of my wife!!!!
And I didn't fabricate it...it was from a TV show...

 Yes, Gentle Reader, there are people who think about such things.

Rosetta Data Suggest Earth's Water Didn't Come From Comets After All

I don't understand all of that, but I never would have guessed such a thing.

LET'S START OFF WITH LIQUIDS...yes, liquids...
Laminar flow demonstrated...

 That still blows my mind.
 What do you think would happen if you added or subtracted liquid in the buckets?
Watch carefully...
I hope one of these load properly...
 That didn't work well in pre-posting preview, but we shall see. I've had much trouble with GIFs lately. Don't know why.
This made me smile...
The reason I found it humorous was thinking of the people who will try this at home and make a huge mess. It may look easy, but I guarantee you it is not.

Moving on...

A great alternative to Tinder is entering every room screaming, "Does anyone want to bang?!" It also has more dignity.

I've made preparations to quit soon...

My wife thinks it’s sexy to bite her lip during sex. I don’t have the heart to tell her it’s supposed to be her bottom lip.

We all need one of these so if we get lost in the woods we can get more lost further north.

 I have no idea...

Did you bite your upper lip just to see what it would look like? No? You should.

Well, at least it's not false advertising.

I don't think these two images are related...I just like massive tunnel making...

Rare African elephant twins were born at Pongola Game Reserve, a privately owned game reserve in northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa.

When was the last time an elephant helped YOU? That’s right…NEVER! Because they are selfish creatures.

NIMBY at it's finest.

LET'S DELVE INTO VAGINAS...not literally...

I have mentioned this before, but I have a whole bunch of new viewers, so...
While speed sketching a nude model, most sketches look something like this because you only have a minute or so...
I was doing pretty good until the model faced me in this exact pose....
I was like a deer caught in headlights, then drawing very quickly my sketch looked very similar to this...

Is nothing sacred?

I understand the concept...
But why would they need to strap her arms down? Come on ladies, I need an answer to this.

An Indian state has halted mass sterilizations at health camps after a doctor was found using a bicycle pump to inflate women's abdomens. Dr Mahesh Chandra Rout, who used a pump on 56 women last Friday, said the pumps were regularly used.
(And sadly, that's true.)

Moving on....

Woman almost died when her firebox exploded...

Unbeknownst to her, the wood she bought contained a World War II vintage fragmentation grenade. According to police spokeswoman Petra Datscher, the shell had most likely lodged in a tree during fighting more than 70 years ago.

 This guy concealed a fully functional 12 gauge shotgun in a super-soaker...
 Why would anybody do such a thing?

If the camera really does add 10 pounds, do African kids even exist?

Thieves broke into safety deposit boxes in India...
 And this is how they did it...
 And that is a true story.

My wife used to say relationships were about sacrifice, but she still screamed when she saw the goat.

One Of My Very Own...

There is no rationale that you can present to make this justifiable...
That is one of the sickest things I've ever seen. There's a twelve year old kid with HIS DICK PRESSED IN HIS MOM'S BUTT CRACK!!! 

Where this man lives, he's considered wealthy...
Notice those plastic chairs that I hate so much. 

What great advice...

This arrested young woman's name is Amanda Miranda Panda
And that's true.

Man told he risks life in prison for repeated foul-mouthed outbursts told judge to fuck off...
My kind of man.

 As you probably know, I think high heels are the stupidest invention ever...
 ...but with that said, these are beautiful.


How do you find a blind man at a nudist colony? It isn’t hard.

"Now, just look natural."

Oh, look, some nice young men have put free art all over the subway car so commuters are surrounded by beauty...

 Damn, Beethoven, are you even trying?

It seems that people all over the world are just feed up with being pushed around like they don't matter. And it seems like it's almost always the young people...I know it was young people during the protest in the US over the Vietnam War.
But nothing will change unless we act collectively...something I fear will never happen.


Senph42 said...

Don't worry, the MTA has enough money from those nice companies' ads to clean up what you call "free art"... and they both look the same and only a small group of people enjoy them! :) If you put an equation mark between these signatures and a colorful, well executed (but still illegally painted graffiti/mural) then I should stop trying to understand you!

Ralph Henry said...

Great hearing from you again, old friend. And I mean that.
And when we, as a society, start all agreeing on what constitutes art, then we are all doomed. You keep up the good work. The world needs people like you.
Send me an email with some of your new work and I promise to be nice(r).

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