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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 18, 2014



Has the world always been this violent?
Yes. Yes it has been this violent.


I wonder how many people will recognize this man...
People take photos all the time.
Some people wait in one spot for something to come along, as I think this photographer did...
Others travels great distances hoping to stumble across an interesting scene, like this guy...
Some have themes, like this person...
Photographing hundreds of American Apparel signs hoping for a powerful juxtapose.
Then there are those who stage the shot...
Then there are the people who just happen to be at the right spot at the right time...
As I recall there were two major blackouts in NYC. The first one had no major incidents as, I think, people were so shock...shocked into inactivity. Then there was the second and everybody and their brother looted every store they could get to.

Professor Bill Clinton, University of Arkansas, 1973
Knowing what we know now, I bet every girl on campus knew exactly what to do to get an A.

Out of stone...

Crocodiles can easily survive losing a limb or being badly wounded ...
That had to be a great help in maintaining itself practically unchanged since the time of dinosaurs.

Natalie Wood, 1964
And she fell off a boat never to be seen again.

If I'm not mistaken, this is inside a submarine...
And there are men that know exactly what each valve does.

A couple of things you don't see every day...

Annette Kellerman promotes women’s right to wear a fitted one-piece bathing suit, 1907. She was arrested for indecency...
Every inch (no pun intended) of the way women have had to claw their way out of oppression...
Now I would like you to think of the wisdom of arresting this young woman for showing her breasts...
As if breasts are so forbidden that one's liberty is to be revoked for daring to expose them. Men's breasts? Not so much.

And a related observation...
Somehow the African-American community has adopted a really fat ass as a sign of beauty. That in itself is a remarkable accomplishment, but that some less fat women wear fake fat asses is extraordinary.

Such a famous photo and I was told nobody even knows his name.

Every button, every stitch and buckle was tested exhaustively to be perfect for the function. Check out the rubber tip on his index finger. There's a reason for that...
"Dress like you are going to met your worst enemy today."

Mom and son watching the mushroom cloud after an atomic test, Las Vegas, 1953

I have often thought about how many people are having to do jobs they hate...

How do you confuse a feminist?

Tell her that you refuse to allow her to make you a sandwich.

Who thinks up that crap?

One Of My Very Own...

Minimum is my favorite word to write cursive.

This was taken from a huge collection of images called: Awesome inner forearm tattoos...
But look at that one. What does it mean? Or, rather, does it really have to mean anything?
My answer is yes. If you use language, its purpose is to communicate and when it doesn't, then why did you use language.
The same argument applies to those fat letter images adorning many walls.
And the tradition seems to have a universal appeal.

I'm not so sure about this...

Oh, look, an international pissing contest...

A bastardization of the famous Hemingway short...

Traditionally, people don't like to be told what to do and what not to do...

I found a phone and it had many nude selfies on it. It was my wife's.

Photographer being at the right place at the right time...
Bird being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think this woman got hit in the head by that handle...

More naked women having been talked into doing something silly by a photographer...

Dear African-Americans,

Please don't call me a cracker. I prefer

I am going to assume by the expensive equipment that this artist got permission to paint this...
As someone who was pretty damned good at selling murals, I would have had a very difficult time pitching that concept to a building owner.

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