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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014



Short and thoughtful...




 Well, with that settled, I feel even less bad about eating one.  But does that mean you will still have to pick up after your dog after you die?

Damn ruble is falling faster than bitcoin...

 (that was one hell of an explosion)

 The fetishization of "correct" English -- which is to say, white, wealthy English -- is in direct opposition to everything that makes English such a glorious drunkard's debauch of a language. English came to us from the inventive malapropism and linguistic entrepreneurship of its speakers: from Shakespeare, who coined words wholesale; to the working-class streets with their heterodox cursing and rhyming slangs. To demand the immobilization of this restless, incontinent language is a form of barbaric and backwards ancestor-worship.
(or as I've always said, If the language purist had their way, we would all still be saying thee and thou)


Have you ever wondered what ISIS could and could not do to the female prisoners they take?
Well, now you can know, from their own website. Please take the time to read this...


A northern white rhino named Angalifu died at age 44 at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, leaving only 5 left of the subspecies in the world.

The top song played in U.K. funerals is the Pythons' Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.

As you watch the American collegiate football playoffs, take a moment to ponder this tweet by the quarterback for the Ohio State Buckeyes: "Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain't come to play SCHOOL classes are POINTLESS."

Let's remember this man, Tori Johnson, who was tragically lost last night during a siege in Sydney, whilst trying to wrestle a gun off the dozing criminal.

A new paper suggests that the arrow of time -- a term given to the forward direction of time -- is driven by gravity and, therefore, an inescapable result of the fundamental laws of physics in our universe.

"Erection vendors" in Peru are driving some amphibians toward extinction.  "Frog Juice, or Jugo de Rana, as it's referred to in Spanish, has been dubbed the Peruvian Viagra. It's a concoction that's believed to have strong medicinal powers with purported benefits including increased blood flow, lung function, and more poignantly, sexual stimulation."

This woman's husband and son died in a car crash while going home after a match. She received an invitation for the next match and came to see the players and staff wearing t-shirts with their photo on it and stood for a few moments in silence for them... 

An assistant holding an umbrella over an actors head during the filming of the scandalous erotic thriller Caligula, 1976...

Condoms are for pussies.

I convinced my young daughter that after all the cookies and milk from other houses, he would probably really enjoy a cold beer. And that's true. 

On some websites they asked silly questions like "What was your most embarrassing sex location", etc. I assume they do this to spark a conversation between members. Then I come across this one...

If you can pick out a dog at an animal shelter, why can’t we pick out a woman at a woman’s shelter?

Fucking brilliant...

I got this email and thought I would share it...

Got pranked in Utrecht
I was ordering food at a place called Lebowski.  The bar tender and I had been talking, and it was known to all at the bar that I was from a Texas town called Round Rock. Anyway, one of the guys at the bar said, very loudly, "Bring him the Lebowski!".  Another said, "Make that a Big Lebowski.  He's a fuckin' Texan.  They put down a fuckin' cow a day in the states." Out came the Big Lebowski.  So I started eating.  They where watching.  I ate every piece of that sucker, including the fries.  It took a knife and fork. Just after I finished the last bite, I picked up the little flag that was on the burger.  I said, "you can bring out the big one now." (see flag in photo). The good news- I was only charged for a regular Lebowski.  A good laugh was had by all, and I got a free beer too. Seriously though, that was the biggest burger ever placed in front of me.  On the other hand, they learned the Lebowski ain't what they thought it was.

A little plastic add-on for airplane's shared armrest to encourage sharing...

How powerful...
No forest, no animals.

1912 photo of Pavel Yakovlevich Tolstoguzov, born in 1798, who fought in the Russian Army against Napoleon...

Depressing graphic shows the time humanity spent watching Gangnam Style…

The Economist made this sobering graphic of the hidden cost of the most popular YouTube video of all time—with more than two billion views since June 2012: "At 4:12 minutes, that equates to more than 140m hours, or more than 16,000 years." Then they compared it to some of humanity's most monumental tasks.
That's what humanity could have accomplished had they invested all the time they spent in watching Psy's Gangnam Style in more productive tasks.

As I understand it, this is the most expensive thing ever built by mankind...

13-year-old future Chiefs coach Andy Reid at the punt, pass, kick competition...
 As I understand it, the kid next to him is the same age.

Guy confesses to arson on live TV. Look at the expression on the cops' faces...

Is that who I think it is?

Presidential Fight Club...

My postman told me he’s going to Spain, so I asked if he was going to “Parcelona” and he ignored what I believe to be my best joke of 2014.

What a power line will do...

The French Air Force has published a fascinating video showing a nuclear strike mission from beginning to end. Of course, the ASMP-A nuclear missile fired by that Rafale fighter didn't have an atomic warhead inside, but everything else is as real as it gets without starting World War III...
 AIM stands for Air Intercept Missile. Some of them are nuclear. Suppose your enemy sends, say, 1000 bombers toward your capital...quick, what do you do? Well, you just send out one nuke air burst missile and blow all 1000 out of the sky at once.

British soldier observing Argentinean helmets after the Battle of Goose Green on the Falkland Islands, May 1982...

Germany is paying final respects to a young woman who was killed defending two girls from harassment...

I’d like to thank the person who first looked at a buzzing bee hive and thought: “Those bastards are hiding something delicious in there, I just know it.”

I’m an old man and I’ve learned one thing it’s this: When a stripper puts on kneepads, you are really in for a show.

One Of My Very Own...

My first attempt at photoshop...

Imagine a horror movie where you are trapped in a house with a serial killer, but all your lights were on the clapper.

Suicide Bunny...

 And my favorite...

Everybody on earth said, "Never again"...
...yet we stand by and watch it on our TV's every day.

Male Pattern Baldness: A condition which, if left untreated, eventually results in a new Corvette.

Well done, Walmart. Well done...

I sure wish I had met this man...

Herb....the H is silent...

I think the stuff on my desk is developing intelligent life. I will keep you informed.

I just realized that if trees had sex like we do, there would be a lot more forest fires.

Can a ghost and a zombie come from the same person?

Beautiful naked women sitting on weird shit because a man with a camera asked them to...

Pele taking a break on the field of Hungarian football club MTK while filming Escape to Victory, 1980...

Detective in disguise in Brooklyn, 1969..

Oh, Neil...and don't you know he knew EXACTLY what he was saying...

Rien ne vas plus in the Dunes Hotel in Las Vegas while Man is landing on the Moon, 1969...

This lady says a lot of wise things...
And before I get another nasty comment...I don't hate the rich. I really don't. But this shit has gotten out of hand...
The rich now aren't playing by the same rule as you and I. For the first time in our history, almost no one thinks their children will have it better than they did. 
Political parties? They don't even matter any more. The super-rich have already bought all the people in power that they need.
But don't take my opinion. Do some research. Ask questions. Please.

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