About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


A ditty to scroll to...

How does this happen?
Pumping water out of the ocean onto the fire ought to happen automatically. I know I don't understand all there is to know about it, but floating on the goddamn ocean should be the best place to have a fire, not the worse.

'The Interview' is now available in more places than anyone actually needs
Thanks, North Korea. Or whoever.

A lesson in poultry biology...
This winter, my chickens were only laying 3 eggs per day.  Chickens need 12-14 hours of daylight to be in full egg production, and naturally slow down in winter. Not to let evolution stand in my way, I placed a drop light in the chicken run and 1 in the coop (for light and heat).  Now, the attached pic shows 4 days of production.

For my Canadian viewers...

A gentleman is simply a patient wolf.

Rokudenashiko, a 42-year-old cartoonist from Japan was arrested this summer for distributing 3-D printable data of her vagina. Now she's in trouble with the law again, this time for an “obscene” art display of whimsical sculptures at a store in Tokyo. The store owner was arrested, too.

And I'm sure his Mom is proud...

Did you knock out North Korean internet?

Listen, I’m a nice guy, so if I’m an asshole to you, you need to check yourself.

I wrote that a dozen years ago and just now found this on the internet...

I’ve been waxing my car for 40 years and I still don’t know karate.

If I had to live my life again, I’d make the same mistakes….only sooner.

All my young friends are using all the Visa gift card gifts to pay of actual Visa debt.

The scarred old warrior...

I have a dear friend who does this for a living...
 She loves the work and would probably do it for free if she had to.

 That anyone could find that titillating sickens me.

Images like this always makes me appreciate just how lucky I am...

That sinking feeling when you move in to a new house and order pizza and they say, “Oh, we don’t deliver to that neighborhood after dark.”

Guy ordered "one pepperoni pizza" ...

A male Capuchin monkey will mate with any female that throws a stone at him. I think that’s true.

Cliffs on Rosetta's comet

This $30 device helps African-Americans not get shot by cops...
 It's called "Hands Free Hands up" and comes with a pull down Tom Hanks face hoodie...

While you are eating with me, never, ever tell me how many calories I’m consuming.

Algorithmically evolved masks that appear as faces to facial-recognition software...
Sterling Crispin uses evolutionary algorithms to produce masks that satisfy facial recognition algorithms: "my goal is to show the machine what it’s looking for, to hold a mirror up to the all-seeing eye of the digital-panopticon we live in and let it stare back into its own mind."

Maturity isn’t not to make “That’s what she said” jokes. It’s knowing when it’s appropriate to make “That’s what she said” jokes.

One Of My Very Own...

Want to guess what this is about? I bet you don't even come close...

A statue by Tony Matelli titled Sleepwalker stands in the snow on the campus of Wellesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts, February 5, 2014. More than 100 signatures were collected from an online petition to remove the statue from the all-women's college, citing the statue as inappropriate.

It's a dance company's promotion...
Kind of looks like one of my family reunions after my uncles broke out the hard liquor.

A dove released during an Angelus prayer conducted by Pope Francis, is attacked by a seagull in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican...

4100-meter-long wedding dress train...
Can you spell "High Maintenance," boys and girls?

Resident Chris Roland walks his pet turtles Cindy (L) and Kuka up Madison Avenue in the Upper East Side of the Manhattan borough of New York...

Just in case aliens are picking up all our communications, wouldn’t it be wise to start making movies that show them being real nice to us instead of always wanting to blow us to shit?

I want one of these and I don't even have a two-story house...

I'm not sure this is one of them...
 ...but I read about the painful methods used to get horse to walk a certain way. I found it disgusting.

 That's pretty much it, folks.
I read an article on "Time Poverty," which explains that not only are we super busy at work, but we tend to fill every second of off time so that we very seldom have time just to sit and reflect on our lives.

Gun in my face? ...Get out of my fucking way, punk...

What a marvelous mutation...

Well, what have we here...
 The first one is a robot. The last one, not so much.

A boomerang's curved flight is reliant on the presence of air, not gravity. Since the International Space Station is filled with air, the boomerang flies as it would on Earth...

Tucker and Dale: If you are in the mood for a laugh out loud farce, this is it...

This is why they pay top players so much money...

My wife is a serious person, but her rimjobs are very tongue-in-cheek.

We all have somewhat of a love/hate relationships with corporations. We hate their bullying and vote buying and such, but our retirement plans are all dependent on them doing very well.


Anonymous said...

As a lifelong equestrian I have to speak up… In the gif of the horse, it is doing Dressage, which is the world's oldest and most respected practice of horse training and also an olympic sport. The three principles of Dressage are clarity, consistency and kindness, and the upper level movements in the GIF are a result of years of practice, slow and patient step-by-step progress to develop a highly tuned language of physical communication and harmony between horse and rider. It does not involve abuse and in fact the style of training not only helps a horse develop a sound mind but also protects its joints, ligaments, and muscles from injury by using correct form. There are other types of training that ARE abusive and do not involve correct form and those horses end up unhappy, with mental issues, and a very short useful life (aka lameness). See Tennessee Walkers (a breed of horse that endures some pretty f*cked up shit at the hands of their owners). In sum, if you care about the happiness and wellbeing of your horse, you'd send him to a respected dressage trainer. Hopefully your audience will not get the wrong idea that horses in the olympics (who are usually 15 or more years old) have been abused. Look up a video of Tennessee walking horses and see the insanity. Those horses (as well as many race horses) are completely lame well before they even hit age 8. So sad. PETA believes that any time a horse is ridden or shown or even put in a stall that it is per se abuse, and PETA would rather KILL the horse than have it be subjected to such "abuse." However, anyone who knows horses knows that they (if trained correctly (see Dressage above)) actually love being ridden, jump into the trailer to go to a show, and having a job (like pulling a carriage in central park) actually makes horses very happy. If you turn a show horse out to pasture, they'll whinny to get back in the barn! I'm not saying no one ever abuses horses, but those people are not respected and the stigma shouldn't be projected to all horse training. Anyway, I'll take this opportunity to thank you for your great daily posts!

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you so very much.
Of course now I realize my error and your finely written comment jogged my memory....Tennessee Walkers.
I've often stated that I love everything there is to love about horses and regret that I never grew up around them. I don't know about horse loving their work and will certainly take your word for it, but I know for sure how working dogs love their work. I've seen how dogs race to the open transport boxes in the beds of trucks.
Again, thank you very much.

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