About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014




For the first time ever, a galaxy has been observed blasting out cold, dense gas in vast quantities and at mind-boggling speed. This "galactic molecular outflow" from Galaxy SDSS J0905+57 has been clocked at speeds of up to 2 million miles per hour and shown to extend outward for tens of thousands of light-years.

It was a good week for space travel...

Raindrop Falling On Sand Looks Just Like A Tiny Asteroid

Even if you think that IQ tests are unscientific mumbo-jumbo, it's amazing to learn that some US police departments don't, and furthermore, that they defended their legal right to exclude potential officers because they have a high IQ.

Members of Iraqi security forces and Shiite fighters eat on their vehicle on the outskirts of Baiji, north of Baghdad December 8, 2014.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un poses during a photo session with participants in the Second Meeting of KPA Exemplary Servicemen's Families.

 By the look on the women's faces, I assume their relative died.

A coalition of faith leaders from the Micah Institute at the New York Theological Seminary perform a spontaneous "Die-In" protest at New York City Hall in response to police violence in New York December 8, 2014.

Everyday discrimination may stem from people's tendency to help people like them rather than from any intent to hurt people not like them.
American Psychologist Science Daily

This kind of thing still impresses me...

If you are driving from the United States of America into the United Mexican States, you need Mexican auto insurance. Regardless what you think, your USA based policy will not be accepted if you are involved in an accident in Mexico.

On many internet sites, this is called automation porn...
And it is kind of hard to stop looking, isn't it?

Old Sarum survey reveals new information about medieval city layout...

Thomas Edison with his buddy, Henry Ford, being silly...
Those zany gazillionaires.

The Lynx is a medium sized wildcat... 
 What a wonderful image. She looks like a very serious person, doesn't she?

America is where nobody gives a fuck but everybody’s offended.

The next time someone asks you which came first the chicken or the egg, just say, “Probably the rooster.”

I do that more often than I care to admission.

All these decades and I've never seen anything like this...

How long before competitive eating will be an Olympic sport?

This is exactly what the present generation of young people think about religion....
 ....a thing to be ridiculed.

"My god woman, what have you done?!"

I have a strange thing to admit...or confess as the case may be...
I have been the first man for at least six virgins. I find an odd amount of pride in that, but I don't think it's warranted.

Have you ever seen a subway train that could (would) stop for a guy waving his arms?

A few old friends and I started an erectile dysfunction club, but it flopped and nobody came.

The world would be a lot cleaner if we just replaced blind people’s canes with brooms.

I am a lifelong napper. I can nap anywhere, anytime. If you are thinking of trying napping for the first time, I present some pros with amazing skills...

Have you ever gotten so moist that your vagina just swam away?
 I must apologize to my friend, Abby, who has some devil hate for the word "m__st". I didn't make that up to torture you, I stole it from the internet. But, please, forgive me anyway.

Statistics say the average person has sex about 92 times a year. So statistically this is going to be a hell of a December for me.

One Of My Very Own...
Sorry. I must have thought that was funny at one time. Let's try these...
 Two hours and a football team later...

Not sure if this a cool space blanket or my wife’s sheets under a black light when we first started dating… 

Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes that reason is that you are stupid and make bad choices.

I've written about this before....
He actually hired a pro to teach him how to do all those dramatic "spontaneous" gestures.
What must they do now, knowing that TV will capture it all?

I have a thing about names...

You can tell how smart a person is by what they laugh at…and you can take that to the bank.

Little known fact about Alan Rickman in Die Hard: For his dead scene he agreed to fall onto an airbag 25 feet below on the count of three. Except the director and the stunt people thought they would get a better reaction if they dropped him on the count of "one." They were right. His face is priceless.

More women doing things they normally wouldn’t do unless there was a camera in the room…

Is this What They Call `Dinner And A Show`?

Never could find out who did this or where, but they did a great job with the 90 degree turn in the kid in the corner...

My buddy refers to himself as a “Titty Masseuse”.

“I don’t like doing things.”
     “What do you like?”
“I like not doing things.”

Yeah, I'm kind of like this uncle...

My friend, Clark Ellefson, whom I have mentioned before (Southern Tours truck) would like this...
He once made a massively over-engineered piece whose sole purpose was for gallery visitors to destroy lit light bulbs. You probably had to be there. 

I am so delighted that they seem to be getting control of this lunacy...

Hangovers are nature’s way of grounding you for being bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joel Osteen Ministries
22 hours ago
The facts may tell you one thing. But, God is not limited by the facts. Choose faith in spite of the facts.

This is from Mel's friend Chris. I thought you may get a kick out of it.

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