About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 3, 2023


One Of My Very Own




I learned that the difference between inductive and deductive problem solving was one of them involved figuring out what you needed to solve the problem and the other is figuring out what you have that could solve the problem. Scrap Box Too is the one where I asked myself what I had to solve the problem.

The only thing I had to buy was the hinge.

The only thing I have left to do is install the leather title patch to the inside of the lid...

And paint the hinge brown.

PS: I've since refinished the top. At first, I wanted to leave it as I found it on the side of the road - warts and all - but the more I looked at it the more it bothered me.



Have you looked at the polls lately? It seems that every fight undertaken by the far right goes against the will of the people. We saw what happened in Kansas when - wonder of wonders - they asked the people if they wanted to outlaw abortion and the vote was an overwhelming no. The same is true for book banning, gay bashing, transphobia, etc, and now most Americans want something concrete done to get weapons of war off our streets. Going against the will of the people hardly seems like a winning strategy to me.




Something strange happens when you increase the number of weird participants.

If you encountered any one member of either of those groups he/she may frighten you. But when there are many of them together they become whimsical.


Several sites that I visit daily have clips like this sprinkled throughout.

I would much rather see what they can do with that body instead of merely what it looks like. But if you insist on showing off body parts I have a suggestion...

*Viewer Contribution


This is a perfect example of a beautiful young woman demonstrating what she has learned to do with her body...

And a foot to boot.



Governments all over the world are spending trillions to prepare for the coming hellscape that many Americans don't believe in because they read some articles on the internet. If you were a gambling person, which side of the issue would you place your money on - almost every government in the world or your dumbass?


The most American photograph ever taken.


Tick, tock, motherfucker.


Yeah, sex is good but have you ever put on warm underwear right out of the dryer?


Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life because that field isn't hiring.







More proof that men hate asking for directions.




Defoe Follies


Drug Test


A Head For Music


Jim Carey Lookalike


Music Critic Dog


Newslady Voice


Rodeo Clown


Whisky Tour Guide


When the water splashes up from the toilet when your turd crops into the bowl it's called a "Poseidon's Kiss".


My wife hates doing laundry and has found that it's much easier just to hang a fly strip over her underwear drawer.




Does anybody know the pros and cons of that?


Adaptation is so very awesome.


New photos of our star.




I read that it takes 100,000 years for a photon to escape because it keeps bouncing off stuff on the way out.

I never see anything like that without thinking of my brother-in-law who flew his Navy jet right into the Mediterranean - probably doing something like that.


Airplane Window




I theorize that it is because most people are right-handed so they hold the babies in their left arm to free up their dominant hand for chores. Therefore, the sounds of their child come into the left ear.


Fallen Ukrainian defenders are escorted on their final journey.



My wife's definition of safe sex is for me to tie her to the bed so she doesn't fall off.



I asked Alexa what women wanted and the thing hasn't shut up for three days.5274 



Another pic as old as the internet.


I will bet money that he spray-painted the end of some logs to get the effect he wanted.


Amateur photograph

If you learn nothing else from me let it be this: 

stop telling your subjects to smile all the time.


The table may remain stable but the players are moving in reference to the table. That got to mess with your aim.


What do they do sit cross-legged?


Public Punching Bag



Odds are they are brothers. I wonder what happens when they come upon a female.


Why the fuck not?


I knew a girl who lived in a house built into a cave. Her father leveled out the rock floor and just put up walls. Each room had a rock wall and ceiling - some higher than others. But I never imagined what made their life miserable and made the house almost impossible to sell. Mildew.


"The fuck you looking at?"

- fish probably


How very clever.











Larry said...

Dig the new box, but I wood have attached it to the inside edge. Also can’t wait to see the next box.....

Anonymous said...


Ralph Henry said...

Dear Larry,
Attach what?

Anonymous said...

Fewer moving parts is always good.
There are hundreds of moving parts in a conventional chain. Every moving part increases friction so it requires more energy to overcome this. Where there is friction wear will occur. Every surface moving against another is an opportunity for dirt to get involved, which will increase friction and wear. Statistically, if you have a lot of components there is more likelihood that one will fail.

Science Guy

Anonymous said...

I think he's referring to the hinge.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Hinge People,
The surfaces were uneven.

Anonymous said...

C8: Sounds from the left

I agree with your right-handed theory in part, but mine goes back to hunter gathers.

Imagine stalking prey. You are crouched, walking forward with your torso pointing to your right. Your head is facing at a 45 degree angle to your torso and plane of movement. Your eyes are scanning back and forth from perpendicular to your torso, to the left (which is straight ahead in your path of travel). This rightward facing stalking position, with the head and eyes scanning in a 180 to 270 degree plane, predisposed the left ear to be dominant much like the right eye is dominant in most people.

Either that or the right ear has just shut down due to all the screaming and nagging coming from the passenger seat.

Anonymous said...

I looked at your stats. You are getting some viewers from the Russian Federation. Perhaps your include a "News from the Front" section.

Could be that major news IPs are blocked and they are searching for answers.

Just a thought since you have the platform.

Larry said...

Sorry the hinge......

Anonymous said...

Hi Ralph
Love your blog
Thought you would find this interesting.


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