About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 30, 2015

FRIDAY #2245


Gentle Readers, I present my grandson...
Words can not express...

The Big Asteroid That Just Buzzed Earth Has Its Own Little Moon...


Charles Townes Dead: Inventor Of Laser Dies At 99

 He's from South Carolina...(he on the left)...

My kind of sign guy...

I will remind you of the time I posted a gif of what was reported to be thousands of security flash points. Some were code words, longitude/latitudes, etc. On the day it was posted, the hits to this blog shot up tenfold. And all of those hits were from Canada. Just makes you wonder don't it?  


Hezbollah missiles hit Israel...
And rather effectively, I'd say.
Now Israel is deciding how many of these bad boys to let loose...


These are Syrian snipers...
City after city is under siege resulting in the civilians to be caught in the crossfire. They have come up with numerous ways to block the snipers' line of sight...
 This barrier is only shoulder high, and I can only assume this man learned to duck from an unfortunate experience of a fellow citizen...
This is the way these people get supplies from across the street...
Free Syrian fighters take cover behind anything they can find...
 They also use tricks used in every modern war...
 These Syrian school children are on the way to school...
 Some don't make it. And remember, these aren't fighters. They are normal shopkeepers, teachers, clerks. Children that have no way to understand what is happening to them. Men who wish the best for their children...just like you. And old men waiting for the birth of their first grandchild. And they have lost control of their own lives...just like every war ever, it's the civilians who suffer most.
Now they have introduced this...a more efficient way to kill and man, woman or child that shows themselves.
 That is a computer controlled weapon that, for all practical purposes, doesn't miss.
I heard an interview with a Free Syrian commander who was asked what he would do after they brought down the government and he calmly said, "Turn our weapons on the other rebels we are fighting alongside now. They will want us all dead as their first priority."

This from an article about something that I would like the right to do in case I could not take care of myself and didn't recognize family:
If any three such disabilities persist for several weeks, he wants his health care proxy — his wife — to ensure that nobody tries to keep him alive by spoon-feeding or offering him liquids. VSED, short for “voluntarily stopping eating and drinking,” is not unheard-of as an end-of-life strategy, typically used by older adults who hope to hasten their decline from terminal conditions. But now ethicists, lawyers and older adults themselves have begun a quiet debate about whether people who develop dementia can use VSED to end their lives by including such instructions in an advance directive.

Holocaust survivor salutes US soldier who liberated him from concentration camp...

The other day I described to my wife a terrible date I once went on and she reminded me it was with her.

Language is nice...

Short and sweet...

There was no reason to add the decoration.
Yet mankind seems to have an inner urge to adorn stuff.
I think it's a good thing.

The adorned chief officers of the Titanic...

For animals with an "amazing sense of smell," dogs sure do sniff piles of shit for a long time before realizing it's just a pile of shit.

Finally found a tie I would wear...

That nerdy girl from high school is on top of her game now and there’s nothing you can do.

"Now we will never get that smell off the fish." - God

People ask if it's okay if their art matches their couch...
 The answer is yes...as long as you buy the art first.
Art can be so much more than mere decoration, and the number of people who realize that is getting smaller and smaller.

 UK-based artist INSA, creator of the wonderful GIF-ITI animated murals, has created his largest animation to date: a four-frame animation that was painted on such a massive scale it was photographed by satellite. INSA created his Space GIF-ITI in Rio de Janeiro late last year. The mural, which measured 154,774 square feet, was painted in four stages by a team of 20 painters. As each stage--or animation frame--was completed, it was photographed by a satellite.

 (two in case one doesn't load)
 I would like to meet this guy...

If you care about Ghostbusters enough to get mad about an all-female cast, you care too much about Ghostbusters.

By the mid-19th century, dentures were often referred to as “Waterloo Teeth,” after those surreptitiously ripped from the bodies of dead soldiers following the Battle of Waterloo in 1815... While publicly frowned upon, stealing teeth from dead soldiers continued throughout the Crimean War and the American Civil War.

I knew nothing about this... 

Ebolais currently the single greatest threat to the survival of gorillas and chimpanzees, having wiped out a THIRD of their populations since the 1990s. The virus is even more deadly to great apes that it is for humans, with mortality rates as high as 95% for gorillas and 77% for chimpanzees. That compares to around 50% for humans.

 Just to give you an idea of how fast battery costs have declined, here is a chart showing how the amount of energy that can be stored in lithium-ion batteries per $100 rose from 1991 to 2005...

I will repeat - In five years we are going to look back and laugh at ourselves for having to plug in a phone several times a day to recharge the battery.
Also, if I had the money, I would invest in every battery company there was, cause one of them is going to make the big break through.

A stranger nodded at me today and I think it’s because it was my bath day.

Speaking of adornment...
Maybe there is a limit.

A new picture of that 132-year-old Winchester rifle found in Great Basin National Park...

Something I have learned about people…if they do it once, they will do it again.

Older people playing games...

There are two kinds of people in the world: Morning people; and people who want to shoot morning people.

One Of My Very Own...

Fruit stickers are edible! They are actually made out of “edible paper” or other food grade materials with that possibility in mind!  Even the glue is food grade.

Although, as I think about it, most paper is edible.  I suppose the "food grade" designation applies more to the ink.

This is a piece of chocolate...
This is the man who makes pieces of chocolate like that...
Here's how he does it...
He get's people to expose their assholes....
Then he makes a mold of said assholes...
He uses this mold to create a metal mold from which to make the chocolate pieces.
I am impressed at his dedication.

I knew it wouldn't be long before somebody thought of this...
That little white speck at the bottom of this photo is the sinker being pulled under after a bite...

What a public relations nightmare...

This [very] amateur footage of a serious Runway Incursion on a rural airstrip in Alaska shows our Fairchild C119 FlyingBoxcar taking off on a runway that is too short and too soft on a ferry flight. The plane had forced-landed there years ago to begin with...So this was the first takeoff after the plane had sat there for more than 13 years being vandalized , etc. We had changed out one engine, windows and ball bearings and worked on it straight for over half a year. We have been given 7 videos of this takeoff by the locals and the FAA used the footage to teach about the feared "runway incursions". We have it on tape how our pilot preaches from the cockpit window to the assembled villagers that he will use every inch of available runway and THEN SOME beyond that, nevertheless we had a father and son standing in the way of the plane plus two others while a village schoolteacher and professional pilot was arguing with them about getting off the runway...Quite amazing, as said we have 7 camera positions...Nobody died but the son did actually go through the Prop arc and had the luck to pass through the blades with no harm to him. R3350's run 2950 RPM on takeoff and the reduction gear reduces Prop RPM and at 94 knots it was some space between the 4 blades of the Prop. "

Those are some lucky ass morons.

If you camp out for a TV you are a good customer.

If you camp out for social justice you are a dirty hippie and will be maced.

What kind of disability is this?!

Whenever somebody says "it removes the toxins from your body" I know that they are dumber than me.

How the US stacks up when it comes to abolishing slavery...
I had no idea.

The phrase “don’t take this the wrong way” has a zero percent success rate.

 I will never forget the smell of these...

Hey remember back in the day when a coke only cost a nickel and everyone was just horribly ridiculously racist?

My Final Word...

Every parent should put a map of the world in their kids' rooms so that they can have a basic idea of where countries are geographically.

"New parents" meaning BOTH mother and father? Not sure if that's necessary.


Anonymous said...

I will never be able to look at a piece of chocolate again without thinking of a butthole........

Ralph Henry said...

I will never look at your butthole without thinking of chocolate.

Spider Borland said...

That last OOMVO might just be your best one yet. Well played.

However, today's post was exceptionally good! Lots of little gems.

Anonymous said...

And you've looked at that ultrasound for hours with a big ole smile on your face and a heart already filled with so much love. :) Congratulations, Folio, you're going to be a wonderful granddad!

Scott James said...

Paid leave for parents -
I work with people from all over the world, and they are appalled by the little time off we give to our new parents.

Some countries give the mother a full year or more, and her job is protected.

I currently have several new dads, or dads to be, on my team. They don't understand why they have to take vacation time to tend to mom and baby. Sure, they can take 12 weeks under the FMLA, but when the vacation time runs out they go without pay. Even the mother has to go on short term disability if sh wants to go beyond her banked vacation time.

One could argue that it was the choice of the parents to have the baby. True. But if no one can afford to have babies, then no one will. Then the economy eventually dies and collapses due to lack of taxable income.

Personally, I think we have increased productivity enough to allow new parents to have more paid time off.

I was lucky enough to work for a company that allowed me to take six weeks off paid for my first two children. I think those days are gone.

The company I work for now doesn't even offer sick time. It all comes out of you vacation time.

If you want a nice vacation, don't get sick, have a baby or tend to an elderly parent.


Anonymous said...

You said..... "Whenever somebody says "it removes the toxins from your body" I know that they are dumber than me." What about sweat, pee, poop and your liver?

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