About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 31, 2015


I am rather pampered around here. Let me explain.
My favorite deli uses a steamer to heat the corned beef on rye that I eat every visit, and when it comes to the table I've found if you flip it over, the steam trapped underneath will not make your bread soggy. The owner called out that he had "pre-flipped" it for me...something I had no idea that he was aware of.
Also, a local weekly newspaper publishes the last NY Times Sunday crossword every Wednesday. I like to remove the section with the puzzle, but being stapled together necessitates me going through a ritual whereby I remove the staples and hand them to my bartender so that they don't end up in someone's meal. Now I walk in and the staple has been removed and the paper folded properly upon my arrival. 
I was the first patron at my favorite bar. I arrived two hours before scheduled opening to offer my pickup truck to go get anything they may have forgotten. At that time I was shown "my" stool and people get up and move when I arrive...unless they are newbies, in which case we cut them some slack.

What must other countries think? 

This porkupine picked Seattle to win the Super Bowl...
Fuck porkupines.

And now:


If Katy Perry would pull a Janet Jackson at the Super Bowl, I would be happy.

 This guy, squatched between two trucks, received only a few cuts and bruises...

 Not as embarrassing as it seems...
 She cut her foot. See the bandage.
This lady, on the other hand...

 I just bet she is.

And then that same inept little kid grew up to become this inept adult...

I've posted this before, but I could watch it over and over...
It's like a metaphor of modern life.

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