About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 27, 2015

FRIDAY #2299

One Of My Very Own...

Maybe we just shouldn't have planes.

My daughter just emailed me that I had a Folio Olio view from the middle of the Sahara Desert. That's cool.
My daughter also installed the map at the end of each post. She likes data and that maps offers a lot of data. You can click on all sorts of things if you are the exploring sort. I think it's kind of cool that you can see where everyone is that is viewing FO at the exact same moment you are....but maybe that's just me.

Russia questions Britain's claim to the Falklands as garrison reinforced extra Chinook helicopters and new missile system to be sent to be deployed, as Russia likens Islands to Crimea.
A Rapier missile, similar to that deployed on the Falklands. Britain will send two troop-carrying Chinook helicopters and new surface-to-air missile system to the Falkland Islands, amid fears Russia could be arming the Argentine government.
Michael Fallon, the Defense Secretary, said the Islands will be ready to repel any potential threat following reports that the Kremlin is preparing to lease 12 Su-24 long range bombers to Buenos Aires in exchange for beef and wheat.

Bill Fucking Murray and some other people...

I find it interesting that this is one of the most...captivating characters...
I think it has to do with such strengths developing out of an abused woman...

You know how some parents tell their children "You were BORN with the internet, and you don't know what it was like to live without it!" Well, my parents used to tell me that about electricity.

This is a bladder stone...

Bladder stones are hard crystalized masses that form inside the bladder. This type is called a jackstone calculi because it's shaped like a toy jack.

There were a dozen or so of these, two unlikely movies with something unusual in common. This was my favorite...
I wish I had saved more. If you run across them please send me the site.

 Adolf Hitler ^

Salvador Dali ^

 Michelle Obama ^
Laura Bush ^

That two headed girl before she grew the second head. ^

Teach a man to fish and his taxes will fund your retirement.

If I weren't too lazy to learn how, I think I could have a lot of fun with photoshop...
This next guy took a photo of a lion having a scan and made...
And he did that solely for your amusement.

"Livestock who were fed genetically modified organisms (also known as GMOs) showed no evidence of negative effects over 19 years of follow up."
Journal of Animal Science NeuroLogica Blog

(And is it just me or should that have read "Livestock that were fed..."?)

It takes a lot of balls to come to a professional bowling match and root for the pins.

A tiny 3D printed working drill...

Speaking and reading to babies, even before babies can understand what is being said, improves their communication and problem-solving abilities.

Nice recovery...
But with the magic of photoshop....

I want to see a movie where a robot gains consciousness and realizes it’s a loser and doesn't want to do anything

See anything odd about this photo?
All of them are wearing glasses. Here's why...
Here is an excellent article that explains why...

Right up to 10 days ago the Republican Party seemed to be a lock for the 2015 IgNobel Prize in Theology, then this book came out...

Getting mail addressed to "Current Resident" is the sales equivalent of a guy group texting "You free tonight?" to every girl in his phone.

How true....

Orgasms are nature’s way of saying, “Life sucks, but here, have some candy.”

Ladies, if it takes you more than an hour to get ready, then you might not be as cute as you think you are.

Well, the solution seems rather obvious to me...
Just give everybody a high school diploma. Fuck it, why not just give them a degree in, say, statistics.

Ears are interesting.
When you really look at them for a long time, you notice just how ugly they are...
Even on extremely beautiful people the ears should be covered...
And it is not just shape, color and texture that is so repulsive; the thing produces its own WAX! Have you ever stuck your tongue in a woman's ear? Well, don't!

This is a real problem in India. The tests determine if you can go on to college and that's about as high stakes as it get.
One school expelled 560 students at one time!
But I think I have identified a solution...stop designing your school buildings that are so easily climbed by desperate parents. Or, give the tests in a warehouse or some such with no windows.

Nice way to think about it...

Donuts: is there anything they can’t do?

Just made eye contact with a truck driver while eating a corn dog at a convenience store and now I have locked myself in the bathroom.

Chuck Noland’s every night dream on that fucking island…

I hide a hot dog in our popcorn to give my wife something to play with while I enjoy the movie.

Chuck Noland was Tom Hanks character in Castaway.

Remember that column of pennies I posted a couple of weeks ago? I think I found out how it was made...

They don't advertise the way they used to...

Fuck that guy! It doesn't burn long, but it burns long enough to burn someone's leg!
Anybody know what that stuff is?

A man training a monkey to ride a bicycle...
...for our amusement.

My Favorite Words...

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