One Of My Very Own...
Got 2 minutes to learn something?¬if_t=like
Before you start this next section, you need some traveling music...

3.1 gram plane that flies slower than a man walks...
This is extraordinary...
Oh, the Humanities!
Having a favorite color is like having a favorite lung.
My wife and one of her best friends judging a drag queen contest...
These are shes at another time...
Speaking of women in wigs...
Try to figure out what all these dishes have in common...
They are all cake.
I think the man in the red shirt just scored a point against himself. Thoughts?
Today my bartender asked me if the moon is passing in
front of the sun or whether the sun is passing in front of the moon during an
eclipse. She has a degree.
From the look on the face of the guy in the background, he got a blowjob too.
You may find this difficult to believe, but when in the military I was always getting in trouble. The punishment of choice was to send me to driver's ed, which met after work, of course...
Ours wasn't exactly like that, but there were many screens and a hand-held scorer with button A - D. Questions were asked throughout the class and you picked a button to answer. Well, I would always find someone I knew in the class and sit next to them. Half the class I would sleep and he would score for both of us, then I would do the same for him.
This is one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen...
We should all look at that from time to time to remind us to heed warnings.
I entered what I ate for lunch into my calorie counting
app and it uninstalled.
Children can have fund just about anywhere...
Rule Number One is to do everything in your power to keep their blood on the inside...
Syrian children reenact
scenes, they said to have seen in Islamic State videos, in the rebel-held
Damascus suburb of Douma...
Once upon a time there was
This is a grandmother who got hit by the bird, so she fusses at it...
The first one-year crew for
the International Space Station is set to launch tomorrow. You can watch live
coverage of the launch and the crew’s arrival to the orbital laboratory on NASA
TV. NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian Federal Space Agency cosmonaut
Mikhail Kornienko plan to spend one year living and working on the ISS.
Some people are highly motivated...
"when you’re high af at
mcdonalds trying to figure out what to order..."
Crossword clue: Roll by cashier
_ _ _ _ _
I'll even give you a clue: It starts with a C.
Today a man said, “You’ve got a microphone on your finger!”
with the excitement I would have saying “You have a live iguana growing out of
your forehead!”
Crossword: I tried Coins, but no go. Then Cents. Finally Carts. The answer was Certs.
GIF art by DarkAngelØne
My Final Word...
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