About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 16, 2015

MONDAY #2288

One Of My Very Own...
That was awful.

On Saturday, my wife and I met in the driveway looking up at the stars at 9:26:53 in honor of Pi. I tried to explain to her that just that very moment, for one infinitely short time, ALL of the numbers of Pi lined up and stretched forever. Then we showed each other our genitalia and we went back to our respective activities. A few minutes later she sent me an article that explained my observation about Pi much better than I ever could. And here it is:

But, you see, I thought I had thought that up all by myself. I do not remember reading anything about it and therefore was rather smug about the whole affair.
Oh, and sharing views of our genitalia was absolutely truthful. It reminds her of the time she used to drink...

I sat next to a guy at a bar who told me about an app that allows him to place his old cell phones around his home and use them as security cameras. He could even remotely switch from front to rear view from each camera. He said that his old phones were connected directly to his home Wifi.


More conversations on distrust of science. Here's a tough one: Science likes to scare people because scared people will fund your research.
Think back when some really smart people thought that overpopulation would be our doom. They took everything into account — birth rates, food production, etc., — but they failed to calculate humans ability to change behavior. We now know that for the first time more people live in cities than in the country and city people have far fewer babies. There is now fears that whole cultures will simply disappear because of falling birth rates.
There are those who think that scientists are more or less predisposed to "prove" what the funding source wants proven; leading to the picking and choosing of data that will insure future funding.

And this from an avid reader about Saturday's post about population: "Did you see the hockey stick shaped population explosion graph prediction at 13:37? (It didn't happen, as Mr Rosling explains). I am just saying how much like that graph is the global warming meltdown hockey stick, which -- just like the population explosion one -- has not happened."
Then I recalled publications in the 70s that predicted we would be under water by now.
Look, I don't have a dog in the fight. I just don't like hysteria. I am open to comment.

Here's something I found that kind of looks like something I would do...
But I have no idea why it is funny or even what it means...anybody?
Here's another OOMVO to make up for that first lame one...
I think that rather clever.

Photos by Oleg Oprisco...
In art school I was instructed in photography by a woman who called herself a purist...meaning she thought it was somehow cheating to make ANY changes to what was on the negative. That means not only was it wrong to add elements, but there could be no lightening or darkening...not even any cropping.
Anyway, I just wonder what she would think of the above images.

 How to know it is time to burn down your house...

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...Japan, the game show...

 From the cynic in me:
The Keystone Pipeline is hanging by a thread...
There are really only two alternatives — send the crude by rail or in the goddamn pipeline. Of late, several derailments of just such trains have been in the news. If I were really a cynic I would speculate that the pro-pipeline people are wrecking the trains just to show how dangerous they are.
But remember, we already have more miles of pipeline than you can imagine...like a quarter million. Another 1,000 miles won't even show up in the stats.

There are decks of cards let this that you can buy for $4 a pack...
I would love to try them out.

LIGHT: A photographer's best friend...

A fireworks facility in Colombia exploded in the town of Granada. The blast was caught on camera by a reporter who was blown across the road...

Uranium emitting radiation inside a cloud chamber…

I will keep showing robots being stupid until they retaliate...

Common sense is what tells us the earth is flat.

Quality humor, it's what separates us from other blogs.

In a provocative new study published in the March issue of the journal Psychological Bulletin, psychologists at the University at Buffalo showed that men outscore women in just about every measure of narcissism.

“I’m not like other people.” -  Every person ever.

Scientists got a huge surprise in 2009 when they found a well-preserved human brain inside a 2,600-year-old skull dug up at an archaeological site in Heslington, England. They simply couldn't fathom how a mass of soft tissue could be preserved for thousands of years. But now they know the answer--and it's all about mud. Researchers at the York Archaeological Trust have determined that the wet, clay-rich soil in which the skull was found provided a sealed, oxygen-free environment that protected the brain against bacterial decomposition.

Aerial view of marchers in the shadow of the Washington Monument during the civil rights march on Washington DC, August 28, 1963.
How proud I would have been if my parents had taken me on one of these marches...
And remember, a whole lot of folks found justification in the bible for such shit. 

I copied the title and forgot to load the clip...

The girl from Forrest Gump, now on House of Cards...

This is everything I hate about America, wrapped up in one photo...

Volvo has developed a new completely automated braking system for tractor trailers. The video below shows it in action, stopping a truck loaded with 40 tons of cargo in a very short distance. How does it work? First, a heads-up display on the windshield warns a driver of increased traffic congestion ahead. If the driver doesn’t react, the heads-up display flashes and an audible alarm sounds. If the driver still doesn’t respond, then the truck automatically engages in light braking. If that doesn’t stir the driver, the truck will, all on its own, brake hard and bring the truck to a complete stop.

 There is really no good excuse why every woman in America can't learn to do this if they really put their minds to it...

More Photography...Billboards and Pedestrians...

 Case Ma'Claim, Hawaii

My wife and I are trying vaping. So far, so good.

The speed of sound...
 The speed of light...

My Final Word...


Incognonymous said...

Yelling "Theatre!" at a crowded fire? How uncivilized!

Anonymous said...

Actually..18 wheelers have had that type of braking for 2 years now.We are the test dummies for all the new advances..Our system is called Wingman and my company also tests meritor wabeo systems.The down side of those braking systems is they work off the metal of the vehicles and my truck has stopped on a dime for the metal in overpasses..We also have lane change alerts..uses the metals in the paint to determine when we cross the zipper or the fog line and sends a shrill sound..unless the turn signal is activated first
We also have emission reduction systems that trap the harmful emissions,then burns that off at an extremely high temps..
Also..The wal-mart driver that hit Tracy Morgan had a collision mitigation system..but it failed to activate

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