About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

This poor bastard...
People exagerate. So what? Can't we just move on?

Science is cool. Questions and observations gallore...

I wake up every day planning to be productive and then a voice in my head says 'Haha good one!' and we laugh and laugh and then I take a nap.

Do you know how lucky we all are that mirrors can't laugh?

The internet in a nutsack...

Somebody once said that you could not say you've lived a full life if you have never experimented with mind altering drugs...

 When a see a person with a cookie-cutter tattoo, I judge them........severely...
I know that everyone is not creative, but most often that guy or gal with the tattoo needle in their hand is very, very creative and would like nothing better than to design a unique tattoo just for you. So, please, give them a chance.

A computer security company has developed some anti face-recognition eyeglasses. One uses infrared LEDs in the frame to dazzle video cameras. The other uses retro-reflective materials to bounce back a camera's flash.
(some of those might not work as effectively as others)

This would be a great joke to play on someone...
Just another reason not to have me pick you up at the airport.

Changing a VW belt in less than a minute...
Am I the only one who sees multiple chances for things to go very, very awry?

We've all seen the bonding simulation before...
 But this one had a special bonus...
She looks like she's thinking up recipes for that chick.

The upside of the Falklands War is that the penguins are thriving in the mine fields...
One can only think that they don't weigh enought to set them off.

Makes my dick hurt...
My guess is that something was bad wrong with her knee before she sat down.

There was a whold series of these, this being my favorite.

Let's revisit this magnificent bastard...

I've done that before...
But somehow it's always funnier when you do it to a fat kid.

Dustin Yellin made a painting series entitled "The Riches of God’s Love unto the Vessels of Mercy” - brown canvases covered in $10,000 worth of shredded bills.
He also won the award for most pretentious name ever given a work of art. 

Ladies and gentlemen, the Alabama yard gnome...

Back in my day a selfie meant something entirely different.

Something I've never seen...

This guy smoking is just another reason for me to quit...
But I posted that image because of the stuffed animals. 

This is why I do not want visitors when I'm in the hospital...
To repeat, I do not want to be seen like this. Even if I were to die, I don't want an image like this to be the way they remember me.

(that's call cleansing the gene pool)

 The disappearing glacier...
 I find it interesting that the glacier is gone, but the snow patterns on the mountains are identical.

 This is a program for your smart phone/tablet.  It tracks over 200,000 objects in the sky, including satellites.

You hold your phone up to the sky and it labels the items and constellations.  Have something (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Orion, etc. ) you want to know where it is?  Type it in and hold your phone up to the sky.  An arrow will guide you to it.  You just follow the arrow up/down, left right until it locks in.  See a star?  Touch it, and you know what it is.

There is a sky live mode that lets your jump forward and backward in time.  It will show you the planets that will be visible to you on any given day, and also shows when they are due to be above the horizon and when they fall below it.  Also shows the moon phase.  This is not text or charts.  This is a visual and interactive experience.

My daughter is a huge Messi fan...

My Final Word...

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