One Of My Very Own...
I got a lot of feed back on this cartoon I didn't get...
It is something like: You can't shout theater in a crowd of burning people.
A little late, but funny...
McDonalds will use chicken with no antibiotics. It was bad
enough that they were raised in small cages with a hundred other clucking
roommates, but now….NOW they are taking away their healthcare!
This plaque is to be
displayed at a high school...
I wish them the best of luck.
Jonty, 45, makes his
sculptures using a process called nano-painting, a ‘ground-breaking new 3D
printing technology and a technique called Multiphoton Lithography’.
The process is so precise he
is even able to give his 1mm tall figures nipples,
And now a very true headline:
You might want to look that up. It was tragic.
I've found myself doing exactly this...
I've found myself doing exactly this...
I saw a picture of Mario and Luigi kissing one another
online. Please do not do that.
Elementary-school kids ate 54% more fruits and vegetables
when they had recess before lunch instead of after.
The Moss Swamp In Romania
Over the last few decades,
miners in South Africa have been digging up mysterious metal spheres.
Origin unknown, these spheres
measure approximately an inch or so in diameter, and some are etched with three
parallel grooves running around the equator. Two types of spheres have been
found: one is composed of a solid bluish metal with flecks of white; the other
is hollowed out and filled with a spongy white substance. The kicker is that
the rock in which they where found is Precambrian – and dated to 2.8 billion
years old! Who made them and for what purpose is unknown.
What a wonderful idea.
Notice that steel supports are tree-shaped...
The only good thing about a prostitute dying on you is
that the 2nd hour is free.
Japanese game shows in a
Anybody know anything about this?
I can only assume that it has to do with a powerful electric current, but he seems to be very careful not to touch the coil. Can I further assume that would be very bad?
Honda's IndyCar Aero Kit
"I am a God." — All Byzantine Emperors Right
Before the Fall of Constantinople
Fucking newts.
Phrasing. It's all in the phrasing...
Help I had sex with the wife and I accidentally peed
inside her and now I’m afraid she is going to wake up.
People almost never ask me for advice any more because 98%
of it was "you should slash his tires".
‘The Caryatid’, A
Six-Foot-Tall Column Made of a Lattice of 15,000 Pennies
Not exactly sure why it doesn't collapse, but I bet the physics is interesting.
Transit by Indian artist
Valay Shende is a life-sized sculpture of a truck crafted from thousands of
small metal discs. The sculpture includes 22 passengers, as well as video
monitors in the mirrors that display footage of London, Mumbai, and Dubai. Shende
completed the sculpture back in 2010 after 18 months of assembly and welding.
Looked all over but couldn't find an image of the individual unit of construction.
He created the sculpture as a
commentary on the alarmingly high suicide rate amongst Indian farmers.
Levalet creates "Open
Doors", a new street piece in Paris, France
"Perfume: The story of a murderer": 2:30 hour movie that I thought was great.
How the Ukraine got to be the Ukraine...
What can be invented can be un-invented.
A pig and a woman have their minds swapped. Would you fuck
the pig with the woman’s mind, or the woman with the pigs mind?
I show my team spirit with a pair of custom made socks.
My Final Word...
It is an induction coil, and yes, if the metal touches it in more than one place it will short circuit. Only denser metals should be heated with this process as softer metals will melt and cause the aforementioned short circuit.
That is an induction heating coil, instant high temperature heat.
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