About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 3, 2015

FRIDAY #2390

One Of My Very Own...

My man singing to murders...

Most human traits, behaviors and diseases are complex, with dozens or hundreds of genes playing a small part in concert with the inscrutable milieu in which they operate. We must get over the idea that genes determine — in all but a handful of cases, they simply create minuscule changes in the odds.

My dear sweet wife was on television again. She got an award for being nice.

It was a surprise.
She cried.
And seeing it, I cried.
Speaking of...
There's no crying in soccer!
Seriously, I feel sorry for the girl. She ain't never gonna live that down. But she should have just marched off (ran off)...trotted off?...that field and taken her grief into the locker room where it belonged.

Speaking of nice people...

I am not in favor of using very young children to further your agenda and I don't care what that agenda is.
However, I am in favor of holding bible believers feet to purgatory's  fire. The bible says that gays should be killed, pure and simple, and I want every true Christian to have to stand up and say that or admit they, personally, have chosen not to follow the rules set forth by their god. They are not "slipping" or "giving way to temptation," no; they have sat down, thought long and hard about it, and deduced that god's commandments - at least this one - need not be obeyed. God did not say gays should not be allowed to marry. He said they should be stoned to death. Now put up or shut up, Christians. 


And this concerning climate change:

"Skeptics advancing alternative explanations (hypotheses) for climate variability represent the way the researcher community used to operate, before politics, policy outcomes, and billions of dollars got involved."


Blosom, the World's Tallest Cow, RIP

The good always die so young.


From an article:

"Fracking is the perfect metaphor for the service-charge, extraction oriented economy: "suck up a sky’s worth of valuable gas through a massive crack pipe, then pack up and lumber off to fracture and steal someone else’s underground treasure.""
But it was just announced that the government's own tests showed that fracking DID NOT harm ground water. 

Anybody know anything about this?

One would think that the second pass was totally unnecessary...
And as I understand it, only every seventh bullet is a tracer. Amazing.

Why wouldn't the guy who took this picture take that picture?

 5000 people reenacted the battle of Waterloo in front of 60,000 spectators for its 200th anniversary, making it the greatest war reconstitution of all time. It took place exactly where it happened in 1815.

The photographer should be given a medal, by the way.

The argument against women voting:
That is EXACTLY how ridiculous the arguments against gay marriage will be in just a short years and you will have to explain yourself to your grandchildren.

 This should be totally impossible to happen, like a one-way ratchet gear or something.
Well, that de-escalated quickly.

Simple idea that really works...
I liked looking at those.

I did a sit-up once.


 The bodies of Bonnie and Clyde.


People who say, "I hate to say it,” don't actually hate to say it at all.

You have to read about this asshole...
The article said that he was the THIRD person to die the exact same way...I swear.


Researchers at University of Virginia’s School of Medicine recently discovered a long-hidden system of vessels they've coined the “central nervous system lymphatic vessels,” which drain lymphatic fluid from the brain to the surrounding lymph nodes.
Chinese synchronized hardcore mud swimmers...
That one on the bottom left looks like Will Smith's son.


Smart girls – really smart girls – are allowed to wear socks in bed.

Now imagine growing old and your grandchild asked you, "What did you do when you were young, Granddad?" And you answer, "I once got a 45 million on Angry Bird."
Maybe nobody was ever paying attention and we just didn't notice...

Anybody want to try and explain that to this old man?
Of course the simple reason would be that there are wires running from one to the other, but I don't see any wires. Okay, the grainy image may make it wires invisible, but I have never seen wires running from one street light to another.


There is a thin line between thinking yourself really awesome and being a narcissistic sociopath.

If NASA has its way, the human race won't be going the way of the dinosaurs any time soon. The space agency is teaming up with the National Nuclear Security Administration to work on a planetary defense plan to deflect a potential doomsday asteroid so it doesn't strike Earth. And it involves nuclear weapons.
I thought they had ruled out nukes because it would cause million of little fireballs instead of one gigantic one. But that didn't make sense to me either, since it would reduce the mass, thus reducing the damage.
If anybody reads anything else on this, please let me know.

 That is one of the best ideas ever, so why aren't we using it. I mean the tide never stops. They are not unsightly and they don't pollute.

Most foreigners don't know that.

This is me when the number of viewers to Folio Olio hits another plateau...

But every retirement system in America invests in the stock market and its corporations, and when it does good my retirement system does good. Please, SOMEBODY explain this to me!!!

 I think he did this on purpose...


Has it occurred to scientists that if we do find aliens the first thing we are going to want to do is fuck them?

Saw a collection of door photos...
I like them, especially the colors, but then I came to this.
Look carefully at the shape of the boards. How could that even stay together?

Pejac in Asia
How very Asian.



There is no logic. Logic cannot be applied to fantasy. 

By the way, here is an actual comment I received:
"Choke on jizz, you self-righteous militant atheist cunt-tumor."
Okay, besides the brilliantly funny prose, the guy makes a valid point. I have to step up my attacks on those doo-doo eating, pee-pee drinking Christians...or flesh eating, blood drinking...whichever.


Colin said...

Dear self-righteous militant atheist cunt-tumor,
I do hope you are keeping a list of these splendid epithets?
Put me down for signed first edition if you publish.
Thank You!

Unknown said...

light wires are running underground in a conduit

Ralph Henry said...

How would an underground conduit cause the other pole to topple?

Larry said...


Ralph Henry said...

Dear Larry,
Your wife needs to talk to my wife...then decide if you feel the same.

Anonymous said...

We're not living under the Old Testament, but the new. Gays don't get stoned, they get converted!

Ralph Henry said...

So none of the laws of Moses apply? Is that what you are telling me? So what do we do with the 10 Commandments?

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