About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 24, 2015

FRIDAY RT11 #2411 NY

One Of My Very Own...

Here's a photo my wife took out the windshield while I was keying the police department.

My wife saw this on her GPS and warned me to be careful.
I thought that funny.

I bought some regular spray paint and have been going to town with my bag o'stencil.
 I try to put it where it won't be worn away by foot falls.

Today in Pennsylvania and New York we drove through hundreds of miles of vineyards.
 You couldn't throw a dead cat without hitting a winery.
As a lazy man, I have been keying as many places as possible without getting out of the car.
 And since I want these installations to be found soon (unlike the keys and spoons) I have to put them where there are people and still go undetected. Working from the driver's window allows me to do that.

No wonder it didn't make the cut.
The wormy bastard should never have been allowed in the game to begin with.


Pumps water from flowing streams, creeks, or rivers without electricity or fuel - Lift water up to 82 feet vertically.

And then there's this. 
It's called a "Pump drill"; a survival fire making method. Notice the string is wrapped around the spindle and spins back and forth by going up and down.

 I think I have a real fondness for overhead photographs.

 Anybody want to help me out with that?

 Giant Snake Found inside Another Giant Snake


My love is like a candle. If you forget me I will burn your fucking house down.

You are the universe expressing itself as a human for a little while. 



During a disaster we evacuate the women and children first so we can think about a solution in silence.

 I'm not sure if that is true, but it sound like good advice regardless. 



Can a ghost and a zombie come from the same person?



Baby gets glasses — can see clearly for the first time


In a moment of better health frenzy my wife bought a juice mixer. I used it to make an Oreo cheesecake milkshake.

 And I'm sure his mother is proud.



I try to avoid experience if I can.

At first I thought this was a cool as shit social statement, then I noticed the font.
Just take a look at the H...they are all identical. Come to find out it's just about an upcoming movie. 

Gosh, I hate it when that happens.

That took me much longer than it should have.

Tired of watching female nipples blurred out or obscured with black bars, while male nips are free to be flashed whenever they please, artist Micol Hebron posted this image
 I've been preaching my outrage for decades.
 It's just all so silly.

How do giant pandas get by on a diet that consists almost entirely of bamboo? 

They manage to expend only 38% of the energy typical of animals their size.

Let's wear this asshole out...


Eat whatever you want, and if anyone tries to lecture you about your weight, eat them too.

What the hell is a Harpy Eagle?


Let's take another look at this smug bastard...
I could look at that all day.

 My reaction whenever I try using Reddit.

But if you will find the word "glasses" at the bottom, you will see that it came from imgur.com, which is the sight I get many of my images from. On one day, 90% of Reddit's entries were from imgur, so I figure why not go to the source. 


But lest we forget, if she had just taken those poor people to the hospital and paid for it, they would have lived. Her job was not to save their lives, but to save their souls.

I could have posted this video, and didn't.
 You're welcome.


I mostly post awful tattoos, but these two are very well executed.


One of my young friends who is thinking of getting married ask me what marriage was really like. I said, “If you have $20 and your wife has $5, she has $25."

 It's funny because I'm always writing down stuff to Folio Olio, cause I KNOW I won't remember anything.


I don't think this is a suggestion. I think it's like a rule.

I post stuff like that just to remind you that being in favor of gay marriage and being a good Christian is incompatible. 

1 comment:

Larry said...

Look up water ram on Google, it is comparable to the rife river pump and a lot older of a design. Old technology/new technology. Folio olio for president!!!! Larry

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