About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


One Of My Very Own...


Made it into Pennsylvania and keyed the post.
Made it to my first Great Lake...
...and keyed a picnic table.
Of course there were a lot of tree keying...
 And fence keying...
But this one was kind of cool.
 It was right around the corner of our motel and I keyed it the night before.
When we were loading the car this morning, a half dozen people were discussing it. The word Strange was used often. Everything about it confused them. Finally they went and got a workman (in blue shirt) and he had to dig deep in his tool kit to come up with a square drive screw driver bit. Apparently none of them even knew such a thing existed.
Finally they got it off.
 I gave it about 10 minutes and then mounted another one right on the same limb!
At the same motel I screwed one into the hanging rack in such a way that you can only see it from the mirror and then only at a severe angle.

I had many, many more pictures and stories, but we were in last night and are in tonight a motel who's wifi runs at a snail's pace. It took 2 hours to upload those images above, so I left out the images of the post we keyed in the parking lot of the police department and other goodies.
I have been asked to explain the contents of the packets I key. I have it all ready, but I don't have hours to upload the images. Stay tuned.

You can tell a lot about a country by what they are allowed to do to animals.


Nobody's going to see a sticker on a telephone pole and then become a fan of your band.


A realistic illustration of everyone's night out at the bar from beginning to end in a mere one 6 second gif.


I may never go in the water again.
 What kind of alien devil creature is that?!

In the abstract, Waclaw Wantuch...

Those are engine blocks!

Why you don't throw sand at a two ton bull with flaming horns.
 And here's how he walked after they pulled the bull's horn out of his charred rectum.

I can't think of a reason this would be necessary.

FOX News is a Mecca for people who hate Mecca.



The cool thing about being happy is you get to live in crippling fear that it will all go away soon



There's lazy and then there's this guy...



The head of the Art Department at the University of South Carolina taught Art History 101 to every art student to come through his department. He had gotten a grant to go to Egypt, Paris, Milan, etc, etc, etc to photograph the objects of his lesson in person. But he took his wife with him; a short stocky frumpy looking woman who appeared in every single slide we saw.



$4 LED bulbs that last for 20 or so years.

That is actually very big news. Think about the percentage of total electricity going to lighting. Now think about reducing that by about 80%.

I would have noticed that.



Innocent fun? Think again.

In a move that seems akin to suing the Kiss Cam for sexual harassment, a fan caught napping on camera during a recent Yankees-Red Sox game is suing ESPN for defamation for its coverage of his power nap. More specifically, 26-year-old Andrew Rector is seeking $10 million in damages from ESPN because the networks cameras caught Rector snoozing in the stands and,according to the complaint, opened an unending verbal crusade against the napping plaintiff.
You put me on that jury and I would laugh the guy out of the courthouse.


Most scientists agree that cooking dates back about 1.9 million years. And cooking's benefit is killing germs.

Now shut the fuck up.



Can anyone explain to me why this would be necessary.

Fucking Mighty Mouse!
I probably thought that much funnier than you cat owners.


Only info was Camp Chippewa. I've spied on stuff like this more than once. 
 If a son of mine was reported to me for peeping over the roof to the open air women's shower, I would tell him ways not to get caught next time.


12 million ethnic Germans were expelled and forced to move to Germany after the war. But after what the Nazi’s had done to Europe, who could blame them?


That is harder than it looks. Spray cans aren't supposed to operate pointed down. I bought the expensive spray anywhere kind and the tip clogged up after one stencil.

Let's look at this again...


When the KFC worker says, "You understand that's for a family of four right?"


It’s been extra windy in Denmark recently, and the country’s 3,768 wind farms are producing more power than its residents can use. It’s exporting the surplus power to Norway, Germany and Sweden.

An Official Folio Olio Truthiness...

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