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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 6, 2015

MONDAY #2393

One Of My Very Own...

Had spirited discussion at the bar where I watched the world cup final, but finally agreed they needed 3 1/2 for an over/under of combined score and I took over. Best fucking bet I ever made. It wasn't the money so much as the number of people all over the bar who wandered by and tossed me money, more or less, from the beginning of the game. I mean, a goal FROM MID-FIELD?!?!
And I think you will agree, taking over 3 1/2 goals in a soccer match...ANY soccer match, is gutsy.
It was a good day to be American.

Speaking of being American, here's one man's take on it.

Belated July 4th thoughts...


Jupiter (with moons) and Venus with our moon.

How could you not be in awe?
Could you actually see the moons? They are both at about 10 o'clock at the top left orb.
And in related news...
NASA's New Horizons - the fastest spacecraft ever created - will speed past Pluto on July 14, 2015, beaming back high resolution photos (and invaluable data) of the dwarf planet's surface for the first time in human history.
I read one time that there was a size, in miles, that a planet had to be before its gravity forced it into a round shape. I think it was 600 miles in diameter, but I could be wrong. It looks to me that Pluto has not reached that threshold.

The Greek street artists are out in strengths over their financial problems.
 I really like that last one's use of paint.

When gay marriage was legalized in Denmark they didn't rainbow-color their profile pics, because Facebook didn't exist in 1989.
Oh, and just in case there are naysayers among us...
God has commanded you to kill the "abomination", so, your move, brothers and sisters.
Had someone comment that the New Testament is cool with homosexuals. Yeah, right. 
Think of it this way, either god wants you to kill queers OR god changed his mind, which means he was wrong; something I have no problem with, but you believers might regard as problematic.
And while you head is wrapped around that, are Jews the chosen people or did god fuck that one up also?

I used to teach these guy's children.


Guy from Africa asked if I have ever tried African food. I said, “I haven’t eaten yet today. Does that count?”

These people are setting a world record.
Yeah, that's how easy it is nowadays. 


Audi's Awesome Transforming Steering Wheel.
Okay listen up: I talked to a guy tonight who works for Amazon. He said that Audi is one of the companies they are partnering with to provide a very unusual service. The driver gives Amazon a special code that will not only allow them to find your car, but also allow them to  unlock the truck of the customer's car. So, while you are at work, or school or where ever, Amazon can find your car, open the trunk, put in your order and lock it back. In the future a drone will simply drop the package in your opened trunk then close it back.

These are supposed to be a real helmet...
But that looks just a little to slick to be real.


World's Oldest Known Spear -- The Schöningen Javelin -- Dates from approximately 400,000 BCE

They were carefully carved from tip to base so that the weight and tapered point was towards the front of the spear making it fly straighter, similar to the design of a modern javelin. This indicates that they were probably used as projectile weapons rather than for stabbing and thrusting.


If someone asked me to describe my wife in one word, I would probably say, “What?”

More bad press for wildlife parks...
How, pray tell, do you piss off a giraffe?

Humans seem to have a real need to know stuff that nobody else knows.
Even when nobody else knows it because it's just bullshit. 

This can't be normal. Is this normal?
You think it was shot at the exact moment of touchdown?

I have no idea.


If the camera lens is a circle, why are the pictures square?

Let's further explore language mishaps...

This is a rare example of a perfect joke.
About half the jokes in the world are that joke reworded.

 If you haven't done this then you don't really love your children.


In movies, why do all alien planets look like Canada?


Libraries are great. Everybody shuts the fuck up.

 Yes, a record player...


My friend told me about a mariachi band that every other tune they played was Good Golly Miss Molly. I found that…odd. I just wish I could have sat in on the meeting where that decision was made.

The only hint from the caption was "Patent"...


Walmart has commissioned a new truck.
 Presumably the next step will be to make it driverless.
I applaud the effort.


Now think about trying to teach a child raised like this...


As a man, I think about sex every 7 seconds. I always eat my banana in 6 seconds or less just so it doesn’t get weird.

Rather interesting collection of similarities...

I'm all in favor of self-starters...


Some of my friends are doctors and human rights activists and I just spent the last 22 minutes trying to open a pistachio.

Children’s Nuclear Warning Poster (1979)

Next time I think we ought to put something like this on our gold signage on the interstellar space ship... 
Just to fuck with the bug eyed little bastards. 

This is very well done, don't you think? 
Did you notice that her hair just disappears? Like magic. How did she do that?

Are you from anywhere near Whitesboro, New York?
Then, please explain this to me. 



James Pamphlion said...

On the guy with light coming out of his crotch, that's from an Episode of a British comedy called 'The Mighty Boosh'. In this episode, Howard goes on a fishing trip and catches a sea monster called Old Gregg. Old Gregg has a light emitting mangina and a heavy addiction to Bailey's. You need to be pretty high to enjoy it. FACT: I once served the guy playing Howard a beer.

James Pamphlion said...

Two comments..I need to get a hobby. The children's nuclear poster is from this collection - http://scarfolk.blogspot.co.uk/ - sadly not real, but hilarious.

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