About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

At my bar tonight this was the topic de jour.
 If I heard it once I heard it a dozen times: Why would he do such a thing. So I came home and after extensive research a found a clue buried deep in one of the articles.


"Hacking Team" is a badly-named security contractor that helps governments spy on activists and journalists. It got hacked, badly, and more than 400GB of its data is now public.


Another song I like.


A strange thing happened. I was writing on this Tuesday blog and for whatever reason I tried to take a screen shot by hitting shift, command, 4, as I have done a million times. Well, this time I hit something wrong and this completed Tuesday blog instantly turned into Monday's blog that I did not have open. I about shit.
The first thing I did was to open another window and make sure that I had two identical posts with two titles and post dates. Then I went back to the original and tried to hit undo. Didn't work. Then I looked in the trash. Nothing. Anyway, I had to start over. So keep in mind that as I write I'm pissed.


Let me bask in their greatness just one more time.


 Oh, and in other news - Female Genital Mutilation Banned In Nigeria.

For years I've been a fan of unmutilated vaginas...and stated such on more than one occasion.


And this from the state of my birth - 

This is how they ran that prison that allowed the two prisoners to escape.
And I'm not just talking about a guard who actively abetted them, but the whole operation.
One commenter said that when that one wounded escapee goes back to that very prison that he will be hated by the other inmates because they had it so cushy, but the escape caused a crack down on them all.

The is a survivalist's dream...


My young nephew once asked me why girls pee sitting down. I told him it was because they are lazy.


Let's offend everyone at once!
I began to wonder what would have happened if the American Revolution had not worked. I mean England still owned America even after a long and bloody conflict. Do you think that there would be a group of modern Americans who took great pride in the sacrifices of Washington, Jefferson, etc and flew the flag of the rebellion as a matter of pride. And if the descendants of the leaders and fighters were proud, should they also be label them ignorant rednecks? Mind you, when we did win, they did in fact back slavery.

 New fair food: Caviar-Coated Twinkies.

 They also offer deep fried Slim Fast bars and here is their deep fried Big Mac...


Read this sentence in an article:

Very briefly, values of all assets go up & down like whores knickers.
The female form...
It would probably be a good idea if a woman's shorts are at least as wide as her twat. But maybe that's just me.

View from a Panther tank

 Bertha Benz driving the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, circa 1886.


Photographic proof that it don't always have to make sense.


I can image the house crisis curtailing sales, but why would most of the buyers select to build on a lot right next to someone else?
 Much of the world lives in houses that are older than our whole country…

And, Gentle Readers, I am afraid we obey the self declared  experts who all stand to make money from us believing them...
And some of you ladies just make it too easy. It's like you play a game of 'Here, take my money' every single day.

 When you first see Blosom, a cow that measures in at 6 feet 2 inches from the hoof to the withers and is the Guinness World Record’s tallest cow ever, you can’t help but laugh. You don’t scream fake (that’s the second thing you do) or analyze the photo’s misleading angles meant to exaggerate the cow’s size
It's dead now.

I once drove from Atlanta to Aiken, SC and averaged 100mph. This was the scariest part and I always slowed down when passing a line of cars...for fear one would pull out to pass right in front of me.

I was driving an Alfa Romeo Spider.

God I love language gags.

The first go around writing this post, I had a lot of good stuff to say about this.
But now I will just let the images speak for themselves.

Ran across this modern tent hammock.
I had one similar many years ago.
Mine was army surplus jungle hammock with a rubberized roof. I loved the smell of that thing. It smelled like victory.


This Family Has A Brazillian Fingers
If at least one of them isn`t a piano player I will be severely upset.

 If I worked here I would sit and watch this all day.

 The article stated that mostly liberal places went unmarried because there was no stigma. So how do we explain my county in the middle of South Carolina?
Maybe it has to do with the locations of major universities where a lot of those young sinners just live together and fornicate without the confines of the sacred bond of matrimony.

There were some really smart people who actually thought that those things existed. But while we await the seven headed dragon that will kill all non-believers, we laugh at those fools now.

This is the headline:
"Photo snapped by NASA's Curiosity rover on May 7, 2015 purports to show a car-sized pyramid on Mars."

 Has science learned nothing about naming things?
 The Big Bang. Black Holes. Dark Energy. The God particle. Now we have pyramids on Mars! How about "odd shaped rock?" Or a flat sided rock just like a million that occur naturally on earth.


The Actual uniform of George Washington
While in school, the University of SC gave me a work/study at the purchasing department. One of my duties was to take inventory and one of the places I did that was the museum. I handled more Confederate uniforms than you can imagine.
There was also dozens of swords, guns and diaries. 

Instant karma...
 Did you notice the dumb angry fuck dropped his phone out the window?

How in the hell could that only cost $8? And in the image above you can see that with that microscope you can even see the weather.


This may look like a steel pipe to you, but stuck out the window of a car at night it looks just like a 12 gauge barrel.
That was a "game" teenage white kids played on black people on the streets of Birmingham, Alabama in the late 50s and early 60s. I'm not proud that I know that.

How to prove your knife is sharp...


Givers need to set limits because takers rarely do.



Thank god they are boneless.
In-fucking-verted!! Holy Freaking Jesus!!


More people would go out and vote if there were free tacos.

Now read how they clean the water around fish farms.
I like everything about that.
It's like really smart countries that burn garbage for electricity. Smart countries not like us. Countries governed by people who actually LISTEN TO THE SCIENTISTS! Oh, yeah, they also educate scientist at no cost to the student. How fucking lame is that. Free education? It says in the bible free education stops at age 18. The same age you start voting. Coincidence? I think not.


What if I'm the only person who can't read minds?


1 comment:

Colin said...

You have excelled yourself..
You deserve a whole jar of pickled pig lips!
Yum Yum!

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