About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 27, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
 Let's try that again...

I bragged too early about the good weather we've had...rained all day.

A little music for your scroll.

Installed the usual suspects...about 20 or so...

 Forgot to install one here and I really wanted to.
 A young friend's Aunt and Uncle own it and I told him I would visit. But it really deserved a key.
This is their men's room door.
My dear friend, Susan, told me about a maid she had growing up who called Susan's father "Himself" regardless of the context. "Is Himself going to be here for super?"

Posting another Ralph sign just because I can.

Pulled off to mount a key and saw this eerie thing.
Wife jumped out (in the rain) to get a closer look.

In Camden we stopped by for a visit with a dear young friend who is a great professional photographer. She works here.
And even in the rain we had a good visit.
 She has been following the key installations on Folio Olio and wanted one at her school.
 So I obliged her. 

Last night we slept with all the windows open in our motel room. It is mid-50s and today we had to stop so my wife could buy socks.

 I mentioned before about how little light I thought should hit Pluto. Then there was an article with this quote...
 "There is no dark side of the Pluto really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

American presidential elections are increasingly indistinguishable from the reality TV competitions drowning the nation's airwaves. Both are vapid, personality-driven and painfully protracted affairs, with the winners crowned by virtue of their ability to appear slightly more tolerable than the cast of annoying rejects whom the public eliminates one by one.

And on a personal note...my wife takes a cheap webbed aluminum lawn chair to every motel we visit. She sets it up outside our door and smiles and tries to strike up a conversation with every terrified Yankee customer who has the misfortune to happen by. She looks and acts very much like that crazy trailer trash woman on the TV news...the one with the dead cats in her freezer.
I've tried several times to address the problem, but she insists I'm "just being silly." Me....Silly. Nothing could be farther from the truth.


At my age, I’m not sure if my wife has an amazing memory or if she just makes shit up.

Back when this show was really funny...
As a matter of fact, all you have to do is mention the punch line on one of their better sketches to get a laugh.
"Well, you don't actually blow on it."
"Ba-ba Wa-wa."


Going into a restaurant I heard this from one gay guy to the other: “Maybe if your dick was thicker than your goddamn eyebrows we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”


Question: If all of the locks on the Erie Canal were, say blown up at once, would it drain the Great Lakes? And if not, why not? Seriously.

22,000 miles up, a Japanese Satellite is taking an image every 10 minutes



Look at the pallet.
It is designed like that so you can hold it, plus a few brushes with one hand. 

It's hard to see, but he has painted himself into a corner.


How do you restore your body back to 'factory settings'? Is it kale? It's kale, isn't it? Please don't say kale.

Nice reflection.


Autocorrect just changed my wife's kissy face emoji to "stop it you're 63" then powered down her phone.

Clever young politician.


Spray-on tan rhymes with orange.


Ostrich Drumstick.

One step removed from a dinosaur my ass.


Eddie Hall sets a new deadlift world record at 463 kg

He even had a few words to say WHILE holding about 900lbs!



A Stingray skeleton is how I imagine aliens.

You must admit, that is eerie as it comes.

This was the way they used to make movies. 
It's called a mat and as you can see are very effective.


This looks done with a mat, but it's not.
They were actually moving that thing through his neighborhood.


You always have a choice.

King Tut’s Parents were siblings. DNA confirmed this mummy is both the mother of King Tut and the sister of Tut’s father Akhenaten. And from that expression, she died happy.

How very unusual.
 You think there is any logical reason to have parking spots like that? Let's all put our collectives minds on a solution that isn't just plain mischief.


Satin sheets are treadmills for snakes.


This dude is about to lose a kidney.


 Just like prayer. Any methodology you want. I bet prayer results is 100% the exact same thing as pure random luck. And I know there is a placebo effect that I will throw in for free.

It's very difficult to talk about mental health in the US, so a new campaign called Project Semicolon has set out to present "hope and love to those who are struggling with depression, suicide, addiction and self-injury." 
 The movement encourages people to tattoo or draw a semicolon on their bodies in support of the message. What's the significance of the semicolon? “A semicolon is used when an author could’ve chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to,” the project site reads. “The sentence is your life and the author is you.”


I always make full eye contact with the shopper behind me when placing the stick that separates my groceries.

How a jet engine works...

 A not-so-nice guy...
Other well known not-so-nice guys...
In one of my novels I penned the phrase "He looked through his eyebrows." The look above was what I meant but nobody got it.


If you buy too many things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.

Oh, my...

The tiger and the elephant may be powerful, but the wolf does not perform in the circus.



The Most Badass One-Liner. EVER.


1 comment:

Colin said...

Stars & Plannets.
Last week the moon effected me....
Nearly drowned when the tide came in!

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