About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

TUESDAY RT15 #2415 New Hampshire

One Of My Very Own...

Drove all over New England and this is the first curling emporium I've seen.

I keyed it, but now I figure there isn't any need to photograph the installations unless it's something special. 

These pull up to the door motels are getting few and far between.

I think all new motels are set up on the limited access hotel model for the security of their guests and to curtail pilferage. We pulled into this one and the guy told us the Wifi was iffy...fading in and out. Wife told him I was a travel writer who had to post his blog tonight, so we would be moving on down the road.
Then I thought what a wonderful con to pull on motel people to get the best shit. I'm a travel writer who has to make his post. We shall see how that works tomorrow.

We all know things go wrong when you travel, but sometimes even the solution goes wrong. Take this brand new expensive compass....Please.

 It bounces around like it's free floating, but the needle has yet to move off W.

And then there is this problem:

I drive. My wife navigates. I call out, "Do I follow the To 95 signs?" And she, without looking up from her handheld device, yells, "Yes, 295."
And somehow it was my fault we ended up 100 miles off course.
And to make a long story short, we are heading home now.

Here's a map of part of Maine.
And they call Minnesota the Land of a Thousand Lakes.
By the way, South Carolina has no...nil...zip...natural lakes. They are all manmade.

I have a new hobby with my label maker

Where we went to eat, this is how they stood the wine list  on the table.
 And I thought, the person that lifts it to his face to read would have no way of knowing what was on the front.
So I fucked with him.
My wife would not let me add one to the elevator instructions at the motel. Bit of a boo bird, she.

This sickens me.

And if I were a betting man I would bet the farm and all the out buildings that he is guilty. However, in this country you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and that applies to scum bags SO THAT it will apply to us little people. 

I’m looking to join a street gang that specializes in snacks and naps.

Things that, by god, ought to be true.
 And then this...

Half billion year old hammer embedded in rock that formed 400 MILLION years ago ~ Archaeologists analyzed and dated it. The rock encasing the hammer was dated to more than 400 million years old. The hammer itself turned out to be more than 500 million years old. A section of the wooden handle had begun the metamorphosis into coal. The hammer’s head, made of more than 96% iron, is far more pure than anything nature could have achieved without assistance from relatively modern smelting methods.

Speaking of hammers...
Reuse...it's a good thing.


Kent State University, OH May 4, 1970. Pres. Nixon sent in National Guards who fatally shot 4 student and injured several other activists against the Vietnam War.
 Our government has been killing us for a long, long time. Reading about the WWI vets gunned down in Washington was the last straw for me. But we don't talk about those things very much.
Then there's this:
So when we conclude that America is the finest country to every be, it might need to come with an asterisk, then in the back of the book we can list the genocides and stuff. 

Apparently “going to the gym” doesn’t work until you’ve told at least 6 people about it.



Sometimes I’m mad.

Sometimes I’m not…………….as mad.


Curtis Lemay was a young general officer of the Army Air Corps who was described in World War II by Robert McNamara, later Secretary of Defense, as the finest Colonel in the United States Army Air Corps. He would serve as a four star general longer that any General in American History.

He was once driven out onto a tarmac loaded with B52s and an MP told him he had to put out his cigar. The general asked why and the MP said, "It might explode, sir." To which Lemay snarled, "It wouldn't dare."

Mosberg shotgun.

 Kind of heady, ain't it.


A very large hamburger marketed by New Zealand food chain Burger Fuel has attracted the ire of national regulators. Though agreeing that it is a light-hearted use of the phrase intended to attract teens rather than offend anyone, the Advertising Standards Authority said that the “Greedy Bastard” should not be on billboards.



I love cooking instructions that says “Chill for 30 minutes.” It’s like they really know me.


"In God we trust" was first authorized as the US motto on July 30,1956 and appeared on paper currency for the first time on Oct 1,1957.
I'll give it five years and it will be gone.

I finally found everything I ever wanted to know that mysterious wall I posted a while back. It is called a Gabion Wall, which is basically a sturdy wire cage filled with stuff.
 They had one filled with short logs.
I think the trick is to wire one side to the other so it doesn't bulge.


The only time I'm like "maybe god is real" is when I'm eating really, really good barbecue.



18 is too young to marry. You can’t even buy alcohol and without alcohol how are you supposed to make a marriage work?



America has a real problem with a word that mean two or more things; like tire and tire. The British solve this problem with tyre and tire. Why don’t we do that?

What the fuck happened?

 Remember the fun Satanic Temple that fought to put a statue of Baphomet on the grounds of the Oklahoma Capitol and held a “pink mass” at the grave of the mother of Wesboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps to turn her “gay in the afterlife?”

Poignant political pranksterism at its best.

 Is it orbital changes? No? Solar variation? Uh uh. Volcanoes? Ffft. What could it possibly be?


Supposedly they wouldn't publish this.


I think I know how to get my dog to stop eating poop. All I need to do is somehow find a way to make it taste bad.

A repost of one of the funniest cartoons I've ever read.
Great idea.
Great for your visiting married couple who aren't fucking anymore.

These Final Hours; a horrible film about an asteroid impact in the Atlantic that sends a huge tsunami around the world, and, of course, there is no time to evacuate the large cities, so everybody knows they are going to bloody die. Many choose to commit suicide: die at the time and place of their choosing…which I’m cool with. Other people, more…marginalized people choose to seek revenge one perceived persecutors before they go. There was a lot of drugs and alcohol and the predictable orgies, all fucking until the very end. I think I would be one of the ones who found a good viewing spot and just sat with my wife and watched it roll in…until it tore us limb from limb.

Does anybody else enjoy thinking about such things?

There was a young girl, Angourie Rice, who was great. We will hear from here again, guaranteed.

 “I propose a Moon village on the far side of the Moon,” says Johann-Dietrich Woerner who has been in the role of Director General of the European Space Agency (Esa) for just a week.

“A Moon village shouldn’t just mean some houses, a church and a town hall,” says Woerner. “This Moon village should mean partners from all over the world contributing to this community with robotic and astronaut missions and support communication satellites…”
“The far side of the Moon is very interesting because we could have telescopes looking deep into the Universe, we could do lunar science on the Moon and the international aspect is very special,” he explains. “The Americans are looking to go to Mars very soon – and I don’t see how we can do that – before going to Mars we should test what we could do on Mars on the Moon….”

So Much More Room For Activities! 


I don't need no stinkin' boat!


Gay men, lesbians, white, black, racist, confederate flag wavers….they all taste like chicken to a bear.


“Watching My Name Go By” is a great half-hour BBC documentary from 1976 about the early days of graffiti culture in New York City.

He and a whole bunch of his buddies spent the most creative years of their life writing their names on walls. That's right, folks....their names...over and over and over and over. 

That's What He Said...

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