About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


One Of My Very Own...

Kiyan in the family bed I brought up with the blanket my sister knitted for him.

All things Pluto...


That was a picture of a Pollock or a damn good replica.


If you can’t find a flag to face during the National Anthem, just face the moon.

How a Gatling gun works...

This map is extremely hard to read.

Blue Angles at Myrtle Beach...wait for it...wait for it

How it looks from the ground.
Yeah, it's all fun and games until one of the legs to a shelter lands on your baby.
And I'm wondering if that flyby of Pluto would make stuff fly around like that on its surface or even knock it out of orbit?

 That was said to be true.

Of course, this was said to be true also.

Giant Mummified Finger Found In Egypt, 16 Inches Long A giant finger was discovered in Egypt in 1988. The finger was almost 16 inches long and is estimated to have been from the hand of a being around 16 feet in height.

Every hater thinks they have it figured out. Every fucking one of them think they are in the right.


This makes me tired just looking at it.


The mall kiosk employee - the human version of a pop-up ad.

 After looking at that my wife asked if I had a bat.

This is called the Magnus Effect.

The Magnus Effect - When a small amount of spin is added to a dropped object, the object moves forward or 
 will move in the opposite direction of the spin to counteract the force of the air going the direction of the spin.
And to prove his point, The Gravity Effect:
But the Magnus Effect has some real application...apart from making sporting balls curve.
A cylinder exhibits the same effect when spun.
 This is a model (that flies) of an airplane built to take advantage of old Magnus.
 The problem with the real plane was the drag, which negated every benefit.
 There are modern ships that use it, but it is only to assist the motors and save fuel.
By the way, I think that first basketball didn't skip more is that it ruptured on the first hit.
Also, the boys were on top of that damn, half way around the world to break the world record basketball shot, which they nailed after many attempts.


This one took me much longer than it should have.

A guy send me this. He thought I thought Russia, Europe and all that other stuff could fit inside Alaska.

This is true...

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