About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

SUNDAY RT DAY 20 #2420 Burlington, NC

One Of My Very Own...
 That's not even funny. It must have been late when I did that. Here's another.

Came over a hill and saw this in my lane.
It's being towed, of course.

Today, the next to the last chapter in the Driving Miss Debbie Saga, was a perfect journey. We were in god's country and we relished in it.
Most of our route was rural, which means farm country and it still amazes me at just how many farms there are in America. 

I take a childlike delight in unusual names of places.
I so wanted to install a key packet on this sign, but it was a metal I beam with no holes. Alas.
 My wife has a good friend named Gooch and we had to turn around to photo this for him.
I immediately began to sing Paul Simon's Graceland, substituting Goochland for Graceland.
There was also a Whynot, Va., but I couldn't photo it.

I once hire an Irish young woman to help me paint murals. She was a delight. One of the cuter things she did was to pronounce 'shit', 'shite'.
 I altered my labels in honor of her.
 I also ran out of black on white tape for the labeler and had to switch to white on black. But there are many things in a motel room that are black.
 The remote and the TV just to name two.

As I have mentioned many times, this shit drives me nuts. You live in a beautiful forest, so what's the first thing you do? Cut down all the wonderful hardwoods and plant grass. I know it's hard to see, but that little speck of red in the middle right next to that little tree is a woman on a riding lawnmower. The lawn stretches for an equal distance to the right of the house.
 I can't help but think of all the truly productive things she could be doing...like starting a blog or drinking beer.

For whatever reason, I didn't want to use any of the rubber auto keys in my installations. So I took them all and threaded them on an extra long zip tie and installed them all at once.
And the supply of key packets is down to 7, which should get me through the short journey home. 

And now an update on the most import news in the world.
 This is one happy baby.


9,000 year old stone mask from the Judean Desert

I didn't even know they had hockey back then.

Guy just found this lying about...
I think we can blame frequent freezing and thawing.


TRUE: Florence Pinkney, 48, facing a judge in 1955 after being convicted of manslaughter for shooting her husband: "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."


Ravens are intelligent, better talkers than some parrots, roam in teenage gangs, and get high by rubbing chewed up ants on their feathers.
My question is, will they imprint on a human if it is raised right out of the egg by a human nurturer?

Now pay attention to this one.
And as one would expect, I didn't get it. So I Googled it and was told it referred to the mass extinctions. I still need help.

And now on a much more serious note: Look at these beautiful, happy young women off on a great adventure...a true mission of mercy.
This is what a friend had to say:
"These women were killed by an Isis suicide attacker. They were college students from Turkey who were going to Syria to help Kobane residents rebuild their city. Kobane had been decimated in the war between Isis and the Kurdish resistance forces. These women were going to take toys to children. They were blown to pieces at a cultural center in Suruç, a town on the Syrian border. They could have stayed at home and hung out with their friends, get a summer job and make some money, go to the beach and enjoy the sun, but they wanted to make the world a better place. They were of different ethnicities: Kurdish, Turkish, Circassian, and came from all over Turkey. There were medicine, law, psychology students, they were mothers, they were activists, they were Muslims and Atheists. They were joined by their hope and desire to help those in need. And today there are 32 fewer good people on earth. I want as many people as possible to see them. I want people to remember the radiant smiles of these people we will never get to meet. Because fuck Isis and every hate monger out there. Today we mourn, but we will never forget how to smile and enjoy life. And we will prevail."

Nigel Richards of Christchurch, New Zealand won the French-language Scrabble world championship yet he doesn't actually speak the language. Richards, a former US and World Scrabble Champ simply studied the dictionary for a couple of months.

 And he looks EXACTLY like I assumed a Scrabble master would look.


These are all by Stephen McMennamy.
 He makes no attempt to hide how he did it.

The word on the street.


Metallica, Guido Argentini

 I love that photograph. Actually, I think I could make a mosaic mural following this motif. I would have to cut the tile with a diamond tipped blade, but I've done it before.
Oh, to be young again.


Barbie goes to art school, Catherine Théry

 Bummer. And women bitch about not making the same money.


I like this guy and he and I agree on taxing billionaires a normal amount...
 ...but I'm still not in favor of giving people money who don't earn it. And don't tell me about the rich not earning it either. The point is we, as a nation, should get back to earning every fucking dime we get.


From The Desk Of Rev. Knowitall

Smart man.


Anonymous said...

That would be a reference to the old saying that girls are "made from sugar and spice and everything nice"

Ralph Henry said...


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