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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

SATURDAY RT DAY 19 #2419 Culpepper, VA

One Of My Very Own...

Had a great drive today...mostly.

Miles and miles of scenery like this. Amish country and their crops and property look as manicured as a golf course.
Saw a bridge that spanned a road and a river in the same place. I don't think I've ever seen that before.
Dozens...hundreds of houses had huge stars on them.
My wife looked it up and originally they were used to stabilize the building...having an identical star on the opposite side joined by a steel rod. Now it's just decoration.

We let Miss Google take us on a "No Highway" route, but before we knew it we were in downtown Baltimore. We had planned for this contingency by just jumping on a nearby Interstate if it got to crowded, and that is what we had to do.

We ended up in a very...ah, unsavory section of Baltimore. Even the church had cage barriers on the windows.
 It actually depressed me to see such an old, noble building with that cheap grate shit.
I think GPS should have a "No Slum" option. 
Anyway, we got on US 15 and it went a long way. 
I keyed this signage.

It occurred to me that many of my installations could only (or would only) be found by the guy that mows the grass. I've been trying to be a little more clever. 

This deserved something special.
I put a key packet and a DO EPIC SHIT label, but added something impressive.
A beautiful old pocket watch.

Fuck this prick.
I mean, he killed a wild animal WITH A NAME!

There's a big problem. Most people confuse Socialism with Communism. People need to be educated.

A few observations and occurrences:
- You can take a golf club to a golf club.
- I saw my first covered bride.
- I told my wife I wanted a hot dog for lunch and stopped at a grill and as soon as I walked in the door before I sat down I asked the guy if they had a hot dog, and his eyes got all wide and he said they just decided to serve them and hadn't even had time to put them on the menu. I ate two.
- People way up north drive with their tires straddling the white line on the side of the road, like two wheels in the right lane and two wheels in the break down lane. And I don't mean one or two, but many.
- The final word about the devil motel last night...Have you ever tried to sleep in a room with two flies? 

And finally, have you ever thought something was hilarious and your wife didn't? Well, we were on Hwy 54 and every time the gps device would say 54, I would say 54 40 or Fight, which was a slogan about a border dispute in the north west that I had previously explained to my wife. Well, for whatever reason, she was looking at the gps, memorizing two or three of our next highways and marking them on the paper map. So the gps said 54, I said 54 40 or Fight and she got very upset, screaming that she had numbers in her head and I was fucking it up, warning me not to do it again. I gave it the perfect count to three seconds then said, "10-4."

Words fail me...

Nothing says crack whore more than four eyebrows.

In September 1940, four boys and a dog set out on an adventure in Dordogne, France. Robot the dog ran ahead and stopped at an overgrown depression. When the boys decided to explore the hole, they slid into a deep underground chamber where they discovered the most famous cave paintings in the world-the Lascaux Cave Paintings.

Speaking of...
"You could see a human footprint like this today on any beach or patch of mud. But this footprint -- clearly from the anatomy of a modern human being -- is fossilized in stone estimated to be about 290 million years old."
I don't shit myself often, but if I happened upon this in the wild...

A very young and already world weary B. B. King

This is a great pocket weapon...
There is no trigger to get caught on clothing while being extracted and a rather soft rubber handle to let you know you are holding the right end without looking. Also a 5 shot to make it thinner.

Something about this bothers me. See if you agree. 
I'm confused about him slowing down and then speeding up toward the end.

That is exactly what he would be doing had they had computers back then.
But him cutting his ear off would go viral on Youtube.

Seen a lot about using old pallets for this and that...
 Here's a table made of salvaged wood from them.
My concern is the number of exotic chemicals that have been spilled on them over the pallet's lifetime...pesticides, acids, agent orange, cow shit, various bloods, etc. Anything that can be shipped by truck has been spilled on something you want to use to make a table that your kids are going to eat from. I used pallet wood a couple of times, but wore a mask when cutting, planing and sanding. I also put about five coats of clear sealant.

Grímsvötn, Iceland
I'm assuming the black stuff is ash from a volcano.

 Many years ago a group of blacks showed up at a legal KKK march and one thing led to another and a dozen or so people were shot dead; both black and white. Despite the presence of dozens of police, no one was charged with a crime because every single person said they acted in self defense and nobody could prove otherwise.


Growing up is filling only some of the waffle holes with syrup.

I've posted this image before, but I like it...
 It's a vivid reminder of the thousands of fires started by such locomotives.


 That is something every young kid should take seriously.

Canada has rednecks, too.
  “Hold my maple syrup and watch this.”


I think this is from California.
 Scary ain't it?

I think this is from Japan...

"Outdoor Advertising", Brian Kane

Boy, that hits close to home. It's called Meniere's Disease and it is no laughing matter. When a bout was announced by a loud trumpeting in my ear, I had to immediately begin crawling to the nearest bathroom, since I knew that in a few short seconds I wouldn't be able to walk. Why the bathroom? I also knew that I would soon be vomiting up my spleen.
The solution? Rip out my inner ear, which took 100% of my hearing in that ear.
Cards and flowers are not necessary.


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