About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


One Of My Very Own…


How about instead of me putting down my phone, you become more interesting.


Civil War veteran, 1935.

Billion dollar idea: war.


Over 150 documented cases of African American women lynched in America. 
I read some comments about the injustice of black people blaming their problems on modern white people who never owned slaves. Well, when your grandma tells you about her terror over witnessing scenes like the above, it kind of brings it all home, don't it.


A cookbook from the 1920's
And how about refusing to fund negro schools then blaming them for being uneducated? You think a whole race can get over that shit in one or two generations? I think not.

 This 50-Meter Map of Scotland May Be the Largest Relief Map in the world.


If my wife and I went here, we would both have our computers open.
Yes, we are a guilty as the rest of you when it comes to being addicted to our devices. The very first thing we do when we enter a motel room is check the strength of the signal.

I have alway been a fan of textured wall treatments.
If you are interested, Sherwin Williams has everything you need for many effects.

I can say one thing that I know for sure...
My cat would attack me...once, and only once. Then it would become a homeless cat.

I wonder how much red wine is consumed by humming birds.
 They have a thing for red, you know.


An NBC/Survey Monkey poll shows that extreme social conservative Rick Santorum's support among Republicans declined from a solid 1% to a less-enthusiastic 0% after his performance in last Thursday's presidential candidate debate on Fox News.

I've had first hand experience with abused women and it never ceased to amaze me that they didn't leave immediately the very first time. 


The biggest shark ever filmed is basically the size of a blimp.

How to piss off the guy with his hand in a crocodile's mouth...


What do you think Jesus’ favorite gun would be?

 Brazen forgery was art world's "most brilliant" con.

To make sure he couldn't be caught, Ely Sakhai first bought the original Rembrandt's Apostle James at enormous value, then copied it. He then sold the copy and kept the original.

Smart dog.


Forgetting how to deliver babies is a midwife crisis.

Headlines, my not so secret love...

 Building a huge wall at the border to keep us safe.


Thomas Jefferson's dad's name was Thomas Jefferdad. 



The guy who discovered boomerangs must have been terrified.


 My wife is the person on the right.



It should be illegal for shipping & handling to cost more than the product.


Saw this in a restaurant parking lot and photoed it because I had never seen one.

On the same day I ran across this without even looking for it.


How to win an argument:

1.   Have a vagina.
2.   That’s it.
3.   You win.
4.   Congratulations.

 I think the guy got the penalty called and the standing guy is laughing at the absurdity.

Ella & Pitr in Campania, Italy

What's on the other side of the planet.


Looks kind of like one of mine, don't it?


Stupidity intervention


Earth from the Moon with Command Module.

I think there is a direct correlation between these types of things and US obesity rates.

 From The Desk Of Rev. Konwitall

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