About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


One Of My Very Own…

So could this just be a lookalike?


It must be hard being really fucking stupid.


Lighting...it's all about the light...


 "That looks interesting. I think I'll eat it." - Sharks and Toddlers

I watched a documentary about brother Joe.
 I concluded that nothing is worse than a paranoid person who has real power.
A very powerful movie that illustrates exactly the flaws in the Soviet system is Child 44.

Furniture moving in the Netherlands

What a wonder idea. Now go back and remember all those cartoons and movies with pianos falling on people on the sidewalk. Same principle I guess.



God, I am SO angry about this lion-hunting dentist I can BARELY FINISH MY STEAK

I have a thing about fakery. This is a metal pipe covered in "fancy" Styrofoam.
I know why they do it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Gluing bits of Styrofoam on a building and coating it with Stucco is just wrong. What does it say about your building, especially government buildings, when you construct your building out of such a flimsy, fake material? 


What kind of witchery is this?


It's probably pretty hard to lie to your dentist about flossing when he's got a giant lion head on his wall

 Do you think this is fake?
On the one side is the amateurish camera work, but on the not real side is them being just too perfect.

This is poking fun at the girl who had her boyfriend photo her pulling him to famous places all over the world.


Happy Birthday, King Barack Hussein Hitler Mussolini Frank Zappa bin Laden Jane Fonda Alinksy Carter Obama, IF THAT EVEN IS YOUR REAL NAME!!

Something I would have bet money didn't exist.

My exact reaction when someone tells me that God put dinosaur bones around to test true believers.

What an extraordinarily beautiful woman. 

When you think about it just the right way, spelling it that way got much more attention than spelling it correctly.

But it's still an example of the phenomenon called “Sucks to be you.”



I've never seen a dead body but I did once watch a girl get proposed to in an Applebee's



If Donald Trump wins the election, then we'll know we're on the Biff-stole-the-almanac timeline. 


And we know exactly what the graphics at the upper right means, don't we.


The most Canadian thing I ever heard was a secondhand story about a guy getting his toe bit off by a beaver but not telling his date.


Turn your Smartphone into a 3D Hologram


If I was a ghost I would probably still just watch netflix.

 A hermit monk dug this out of rock. 
I read the whole article and couldn't find out what country it's in.

A loyal viewer sent me this.
 And included a picture of himself in the 1970s.

Clever ad.

 A solar powered "plane" that flies like a bird.

This looks like an interesting sportHOLY SHIT!!


Things have changed so much like 4000 years ago if you killed a lion and could fix people's teeth you would have been the king of everything.


From The Desk Of Rev. Knewsome

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