About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 29, 2016

FRIDAY #2597

One Of My Very Own…

Silly, silly grown men.

If a private company had done this, somebody would have gone to jail. 

Univision, a hugely successful Spanish language broadcaster, bought humor newspaper/site The Onion two weeks ago, and in so doing, transferred control over a site that has produced scathing comedy at Hillary Clinton's expense to Haim Saban, millionaire financier and Democratic power-broker, who calls Clinton "pristine plus" and "great for the country and great for the world."

This goes out to all you people who are having bad days in hopes that the happy times will soon return to your life.


93.8% of white folks stressing about their court dates are referring to tennis.

Ban on dividends from companies that don't pay living wages?

The Labour Party in Britain has set out a pair of proposed regulations for British limited liability corporations that will challenge their ability to sponge off the tax-payer and enrich themselves and their shareholders in so doing.

Think about it; if a company's employees have to apply for food stamps to survive, you and I are subsidizing that company.

When you are serious about camping.

Speaking of trucks...
This is the exact working of the description of this image:


I almost put that in Fun With Language, but it was a little too wordy for a weekend post.

 What the hell did they expect in there; a garden gnome?

It's called emoting and it is not a good thing.


If you drink the blue liquid from a Magic 8-Ball you can see the future, Trust me my friend Keith did once & said he was gonna die & then he did.

I went to a site that lets me get a picture of my average viewer...
(I made that up.)

For all my new Russian viewers - This man scares the holy shit out of most Americans.


No Shoes
No Shirt
No Problem

Welcome To Walmart.

When you are serious about your diet.
 I can't wait until I can share my mouse trap installations with you guys. They are taking a little longer than I thought due to things.

Why the hell not?
Seriously, why do we all just accept the DO EAT and DON'T EAT lists our parents gave us? I've vowed to at least try anything...at least once.


Wanna feel old? Make comparative judgments based on how long you’ve been alive versus how long younger people have been alive. Wild.

It takes a village...

I so wish I had one of these. I would wear the shit out of it.
Seriously, that thing was designed just for people like me.


Death: I've come for you.
Me: That's what she said.

Death: (bursts out laughing): You get me with that one every time! Ok, see ya.


I saw something very similar to this when the wife and I explored Normandy.


 If you ever see me cleaning out my car in the middle of winter, it's because I have drugs missing.

I had one of these that fit into the trailer hitch port in the back of my truck.


I carry around a note in my wallet that says, "The curse must be passed, I'm so sorry" just  in case it's ever stolen.

Girl plays Rock-Paper-Scissors with cop for underage drinking charge.

 Policing done right.

In a dew-drop far far away...

The most amazing organism on the planet.


WIFE: I'm my own biggest critic.
ME: Haha, trust me. You aren't.

Supposedly these eye shapes occur naturally.

Why did he write to her,
“I can’t live without you”?
And why did she write to him,
“I can’t live without you”?
For he went west, she went east,
And they both lived.

-   Carl Sandburg

From Tucker and Dale vs Evil

 A true laugh out loud movie...trust me.


MY NINE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER: Dad, did you know that in some cultures the groom doesn't even know the bride until after they're married.

ME: That's every culture, dear.



The first time I introduced my to-be wife to my parents she said, "Hi, I usually don't get this far."

Burned pattern from a downed electrical line

Okay, pay attention. These works of art are called...
 And as you can see from this close-up, that is all it is; every punctuation mark from various literary works.
 I like those every much.


 The home is so old that when it was built Britain was still part of Continental Europe.

Ugly woman has plastic surgery. Man marries her. Children are ugly. May finds out about surgery and sues. Wins. 

Those researchers have never met my wife. 

Silliness from another great movie.


Most of being a parent means saying "Great!!" when your kid insists you watch him perform an unidentifiable skill.

 I weep for the future.

USAF pulls head out of ass and decides to keep the Warthog

 Best ground support aircraft ever built.


My life is a constant battle of wanting to pet a dog and not wanting to talk to its owner.


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