About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 8, 2016

FRIDAY #2666

One Of My Very Own…



You know how fun it would be to be a ventriloquist in a dentist’s chair answering all his questions.


New public art…

And then there’s this one…

There is something about poured paint that intrigues me.

Well, Morris Louis poured paint onto large canvases during the 60s. I had a professor who met Louis and had a long talk with him.

My professor asked Louis why the flows were narrower at the bottom than at the top. The great man said, “My studio was in the basement of my house and it wasn’t wide enough for the canvas without wrapping it around.”

I love knowing other people solve problems like I do.

As soon as his painting started to sell for big bucks, he could afford a larger studio and did this.


When I was a young man I had the most loyal dog a kid could want. A half German Shepard/half Collie named Laddie. When I was but a lad of six years old I was allowed to roam near and far because of that dog. Whenever anyone approached me, Laddie would always stand between me and the strangers. When I ran across older kids, if one of them as much as raised his voice, Laddie would growl.
 Neighbors said that they saw two men throwing him into the back seat of a car one night and everyone knew it was dog fighters. I loathe dog fighters.

Back when TV used to be fun.

HEAD OF THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE: So how will we name all these hurricanes?



When you think about how many birds sit in the same tree, there should be a lot of birds with bird shit on their backs.

Something to think about…

Here’s my take on that…
Harriet Quimby First Lady of the Air. She paved the way for Amelia.
 That is one very attractive woman.

Acoma Pueblo, in Valencia County in West Central New Mexico, is believed to have been established in the 12th century or even earlier, making it the oldest continuously inhabited community in the United States.
 Reminds me of Masada.

There are many stories like this rescue of a pup on the sites I visit regularly.

I wonder how the homeless people in his city feel about that.


 I watched a demonstration and that one little machine can be used to exercise just about every muscle in the body.

Smedley Butler, twice awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Smedley?! Who names a baby Smedley?!

I didn’t do the math on this, but it sounds okay at first blush.

I don't eat some foods.

 - vagueans

I think these two people have met before.


If a toy from Toy Story died, the kids wouldn’t know and the other toys would have to watch the kids play with the corpse.

What a powerful object, and I don’t care if it’s “real” or not.

This reminds me of the time my daughter told me that once she turned 18 I couldn’t tell her what to do anymore.

Then she told me that the law requires that I support her until she was 21.


Presidential election season; that special time every four years when we find out who we just really shouldn't be friends with anymore.

I’ll just have the salad, thanks.
The devil is in the details.


The best thing about being married is when I knock something over & catch it before it hits the ground but there's someone around to see it.


Yes, things change very quickly. Many of these changes leave me in awe.

I still smile when I think of the shit I put up with.


Me and my lover, sitting in a tree A-R-G-U-I-N-G.



Just heard the phrase “naturally boneless chicken” and that'll keep me awake tonight.


1995: one day the Internet will allow all people access to the full breadth of human knowledge.

2016: *watching cat videos and playing children’s games*

Could that be factual? I don't mean the lines, but what about the shapes?


Alarm (noun) - a device commonly used in the morning to invent new curse words.

It’s about World Cup Soccer, y’all.

Nixon aide/Watergate jailbird John Ehrlichman confessed to Dan Baum that Richard Nixon started the War on Drugs because "We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities."



I have no idea what that is about, I just thought it was terrifying and wanted to share it.


Now days parents are grounding children by sending them outside to play.



No pants were worn during the making of this blog. It’s like a rule.

 Seems none the worse for wear. Except maybe for its hind quarter that seems to wiggle unnaturally.


Someone to hand feed me Cheetos so my fingers don't get orange.

No weirdos.


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