One Of My Very Own…
The authorities have spoken: The words "internet" and "web" will no longer be capitalized.
I’m so old I catch myself staring into the medicine cabinet like I used to do the refrigerator.
Apparently this happens much more often than I would have thought.

Fact: In the 80s nobody could have sex until someone started playing a saxophone.
I remember these.
It’s a library check out card. They stuck it in the back of the book and then kept it on file until you brought the book back. It was kind of cool to see who else had read the book.

Question: How long do you think Americans would put up with that? Seriously.
Green Week initiative, doesn’t really get the concept.
Never seen a bar fight break out while people are drinking wine. Beer, yes. Hard liquor, yes. But not wine.
Just another reason I don’t fly.
I mainly get my exercise by awkwardly half ass trotting to doors when people hold them open for me.
Sorry, ladies, but guys love this shit…
Want to guess what this is?
It's got a belt loop and a clip...
Molded leather and very heavy duty...
It's a slide rule and if you don't know what a slide rule is, it's okay. It really is.
And the tool itself is plastic covered wood.
People who study this stuff get very upset with layout errors.
I remember when I first started blogging and I got a comment that said something like “Nice graphic layout.” I took that as sarcastic. And you might wonder why I don’t use a template with cute colors or framing, etc. Well, I’m an artist and this blog is not art. It’s an illustrated discussion…more like a letter. And that’s all I want to say about that.
A used car dealer bought a car at auction and found this under the seat. He put it on one of my very popular image sites looking for the owner. I commend him.
If you forget what it's like to talk on a Pay Phone, just lick the handle of a shopping cart.
When the toilet water keeps rising…
I hate to choose sides, but if forced, I'll aggressively side with the person paying my bar tab.
Watch this and then let’s discuss it.
I think this was staged. How else could they get the data from the helmet. Also, I don’t think the guy is fat, I think he’s padded.
Hey, all you male preeners out there, here's where you are headed…
Headline wording…
I have shown this luckiness before.
But this guy takes the cake.
So, does the guy in the gray shirt get the point since the ball did, in fact, make it back over the net?
"Describe yourself in three words."
Me: Responds poorly to authority.
This is another image that begs for a story to be written about it.
There is a city (I think it’s Seattle) who generates electricity from their water mains. Now, THAT is a good idea.
Because I have fucked up so very many times, it comforts me to find other people do it also.
I bet the hardest part of running a marathon is finding ways to work it into every single conversation you have.
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