One Of My Very Own…

That's what we in the humor business call a "visual" joke.

Every Southerner will get that joke.

All joking aside, smoking dope is not without hazards...

Someone answered my question as to what this is.

But remember, it is estimated that she only aided 70 or so slaves.
This is great news and should be copied by every other state.

I'm glad I learned about parallelograms instead of how to do taxes. It's really come in handy this parallelogram season.
What I thought would happen if I ignored my mom’s warning not to sit too close to the TV.

Speaking of gross looking body parts, it was stated that this is just one of the things that what happens if you drink too much water.

I'm going to guess that you have to drink A LOT of water.
I'm not an inspirational poster kind of guy, but I like this one.

And this one...

And one more alternative...

I like my coffee the way I like my women. With big ass titties.
Concept boat you could buy if you win the lottery...

And when parked it unfolds into this...

Someone in the world unknowingly has the world's best Rock, Paper, Scissors winning percentage.
Hairless chimpanzees…

Acquiring wisdom is the wisest thing you can do.
So satisfying...

If you know what I mean.
Nice guy, Johan.

Karate Kid (1984, PG): An old Asian man tricks a bullied teenager into doing household chores for him. [126 minutes]

When the WPA photographers returned with their negatives during the depression, Roy Stryker, the director of the FSA’s documentary photography program, would edit them ruthlessly. If a photo was not to his liking, he would not simply set it aside — he would puncture the negative with a hole puncher, “killing” it.

Men should not talk during porn, ever.
You need to read this...

I will definitely find a new wife right away when my old wife gets eaten by walkers. America will need a first lady.

Dog: I'm a man's best friend, he even named one of his teeth after me.
Pussycat: Yeah, you're not gonna win this one.

I'm not sure if the "check engine" light finally burned out after being on for 4 years, or the engine fixed itself.
It’s called a ‘Palletizing Conveyor Belt’…

Speaking of...

Nailed it.
I'm guessing the fan had a prohibited flare and the cop is spraying him with mace.

The flammable kind of mace.
My wife, being a small business person, would agree with this completely.

But don't the people who work for corporations also buy dance lessons, etc?

My wife used to punch me in the face when having an orgasm. I didn't mind too much until I found out she was faking them.
This guy (I'm told he is a comedian) likes to read weird faux books on subways.

Mexican Mondragon, among the first straight-pull rifles. Even comes with a built in buttplug for further humiliating your adversaries.

Every generation just wants their kids to have a better “Spiderman” reboot than they did.

But the good news is...

[2006]*creates anonymous username online and never reveals personal information* [2016] *tweets Taco Bell my credit card number & address*

The country is getting too sensitive. Soon I won’t be able to make fun of myself without someone getting offended.

Wait for it...

And there's the rub. Those viscous little bastards have A LOT of babies. Some areas of my state are overrun by them.
When you nut and she keeps sucking.

When you’re wearing a bright red shirt and you’re the one guy on the right who can’t bounce on the right beat.

A repost for my newer viewers...


That's what we in the humor business call a "visual" joke.

Every Southerner will get that joke.

All joking aside, smoking dope is not without hazards...

Someone answered my question as to what this is.

But remember, it is estimated that she only aided 70 or so slaves.
This is great news and should be copied by every other state.

I'm glad I learned about parallelograms instead of how to do taxes. It's really come in handy this parallelogram season.
What I thought would happen if I ignored my mom’s warning not to sit too close to the TV.

Speaking of gross looking body parts, it was stated that this is just one of the things that what happens if you drink too much water.

I'm going to guess that you have to drink A LOT of water.
I'm not an inspirational poster kind of guy, but I like this one.

And this one...

And one more alternative...

I like my coffee the way I like my women. With big ass titties.
Concept boat you could buy if you win the lottery...

And when parked it unfolds into this...

Someone in the world unknowingly has the world's best Rock, Paper, Scissors winning percentage.
Hairless chimpanzees…

Acquiring wisdom is the wisest thing you can do.
So satisfying...

If you know what I mean.
Nice guy, Johan.

Karate Kid (1984, PG): An old Asian man tricks a bullied teenager into doing household chores for him. [126 minutes]

When the WPA photographers returned with their negatives during the depression, Roy Stryker, the director of the FSA’s documentary photography program, would edit them ruthlessly. If a photo was not to his liking, he would not simply set it aside — he would puncture the negative with a hole puncher, “killing” it.

Men should not talk during porn, ever.
You need to read this...

I will definitely find a new wife right away when my old wife gets eaten by walkers. America will need a first lady.

Dog: I'm a man's best friend, he even named one of his teeth after me.
Pussycat: Yeah, you're not gonna win this one.

I'm not sure if the "check engine" light finally burned out after being on for 4 years, or the engine fixed itself.
It’s called a ‘Palletizing Conveyor Belt’…

Speaking of...

Nailed it.
I'm guessing the fan had a prohibited flare and the cop is spraying him with mace.

The flammable kind of mace.
My wife, being a small business person, would agree with this completely.

But don't the people who work for corporations also buy dance lessons, etc?

My wife used to punch me in the face when having an orgasm. I didn't mind too much until I found out she was faking them.
This guy (I'm told he is a comedian) likes to read weird faux books on subways.

Mexican Mondragon, among the first straight-pull rifles. Even comes with a built in buttplug for further humiliating your adversaries.

Every generation just wants their kids to have a better “Spiderman” reboot than they did.

But the good news is...

[2006]*creates anonymous username online and never reveals personal information* [2016] *tweets Taco Bell my credit card number & address*

The country is getting too sensitive. Soon I won’t be able to make fun of myself without someone getting offended.

Wait for it...

And there's the rub. Those viscous little bastards have A LOT of babies. Some areas of my state are overrun by them.
When you nut and she keeps sucking.

When you’re wearing a bright red shirt and you’re the one guy on the right who can’t bounce on the right beat.

A repost for my newer viewers...


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