Remember my comments on the Vietnam War? Well, this sums it up nicely...
One Of My Very Own…

Prince was a real showman.

The King. The Queen. The Prince.

Now this is a tribute worthy of his talent...

Meanwhile in Houston...

What a wonderful idea. Make sure you watch long enough to figure out what's going on...

Meanwhile in Sweden...

When you call this number +46 771 SWEDEN a random Swede will pick up and you can have a chat about a topic at random. 250 years ago Sweden was the first country to abolish censorship and now Sweden is the first country with its own number. Any Swede can sign up for the for the initiative through an app and simply declare themselves 'online' when ready to talk to strangers calling Sweden from around the globe.
Meanwhile in France...

Believe it or not, the case involved a male women's hairdresser who was called a faggot before being fired. The court ruled, more or less, that because of their profession, everybody assumes they are faggot. This is a quote:
"They used the French term "PD" which translates as the term "faggot".
In the reasoning, the tribunal said: "If we put it in the context of the field of hairdressing, the council considers that the term 'faggot' used by a manager cannot be considered as a homophobic insult, because hair salons regularly employ gay people, notably in female hairdressers, and that poses no problem at all."
Meanwhile in Texas...

I have only played two video games in my life. Astroids was one of them.

The trick is to leave one or two small rocks and rack up the points while shooting the space ships that appear ever 30 seconds or so.
22 years ago, Robin Ventura learned you don't mess with Grandpa strength.

Finding Nemo (2003) A father is criticized for being overprotective after his wife & kids are murdered & his only surviving son is kidnapped.
A lot going on for 20 seconds of traffic.

Do you think the van being creamed at the end is the same hit and run vehicle at the beginning?

A driverless car wouldn't have done this.

This is on a cruise shit...

My daughters were convinced that they had a long lost little brother somewhere that I dropped off because he was too loud in the car.

Questions: How did they determine which lenses he needed? An eye test on such a young child would be useless.

They should make an alarm clock that sounds like a dog getting ready to vomit.
Bully beatdown...

Elephant seals can old their breath for more than 100 minutes, longer than any other non-cetacean mammal.

The biggest crocodile ever caught. 28tf long, Australia 1957

That big boy above would have ripped the whole front of the car off.

Climate change has put Antarctica’s penguins in danger. Their habitats are shifting, and food is becoming more difficult to find. But we can’t help them unless we understand them, and penguins don’t exactly take kindly to being followed around by well-meaning scientists.
So researchers set up cameras near penguin territories across Antarctica and some of its islands. There are currently more than 75 cameras in place, snapping hourly pictures of the penguins’ daily lives like very dedicated private investigators. But 24 images a day, seven days a week from 75 cameras yields an awful lot of photos—more than the researchers can review themselves.
Here’s where you come in. PenguinWatch 2.0 is looking for selfless volunteers to watch and identify adult penguins, chicks, and eggs at each camera site. The process itself is simple, requiring just a few clicks for each photo, and users can then visit the project’s “Talk” page to chat about the penguins with other volunteers.

Mom to the rescue...

Worst Possible Baby Name: Adolf Judas Kardashian.
Hockey fan sinks shot for $100k on the first night the team ran the promotion.

When you're with the mistress and remember the wife watches BBC Morning Show.

I used to tell my children that coins grew under weeds in the yard and inserted a couple to prime the pump, as it were. They spent countless hours weeding the yard.

I thought the most dangerous was astronaut, what with how many we estimate the Soviet Union killed. It has to do with the relative low number in the pool per profession.
I have done this on more than one occasion.

You learn pretty quickly to move all the paint to the front to minimize spills from sudden turns, but that's no guarantee.
I have also had this happen on a mural.

It's called moisture migration and it occurs when water gets in the inside of a brick or block wall, then finds an exit behind you paint...latex paint.
I've just about done with face swaps, but these are sort of unique.

Sometimes I secretly put a “for sale” sign in my neighbor’s yard.
People playing with language...

The chasm that exist between black people and white people can best be illustrated by one's reaction to the verdict of this murderer.

How do people just stay motivated their entire life? What drives them? I got out of bed once and I’ve been exhausted ever since.

Humans can no more stop exploring than we can stop breathing.
And before you say something like "We should take care of our poor people here on Earth first," I should remind you that there were plenty of poor people when Columbus was funded
Pope Francis getting pissed at an ordinary Catholic. The man jerked him over to be sure he could touch him, but nearly injured a person in a wheelchair in the process. "No seas egoiste!" "Don't be selfish!"

The voices in my head have been quiet for a while. They probably broke something.
This guy is good...

My wife has yet to forgive me for answering 'Okie dokie artichokie' instead of utilizing the more traditional, "I do."

This is a pretty good idea...

I want to repost this cause...well, I like it...

1) Rich people make money
2) It "trickles down" to offshore banks
3) Government closes libraries/hospitals

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