About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


One Of My Very Own…

I had a scare with someone I care very much about. Here's really all I can do:


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened and you didn't get caught.


Do dogs think in barks?


Said to be lightning...

Here's another that may or may not be true...

But it is kind of fun to think that it is.


And the award for best actor in a foreign film goes to....

I'm pretty sure that if hamsters could talk they would have a British accent.


There was some criticism when we attacked "retreating" Iraqi troops during Gulf Storm.

The critics should know that following D-Day that's about all we did to the Germans.

Ran across these bottle caps.

That first one reads: Miami Vice, but I can't figure these out...






Father of the year?

How long are you supposed to rest between sets of exercise? Like 6 or 56 months?


What a hoot!

Watched my wife put on a sports bra and told her that was the most exercise she had gotten in years.


1300lb of Roman coins found in Spain.

A new way to use an old door.

Do people who say, "Exercise helps me relax" actually know anything about not exercising?


Yes, friends, this is the way Americans wake up every morning...


I once cut the crust of my daughter's PB&J and instead of saying thank you she said, "You're my bitch now."


Almost put this in 'People Not Like You And Me' file, but then I remembered I no longer have a 'People Not Like You And Me' file.


And the Not My Job award goes to...

That has to be art.

Watched a pretty bad movie, but the cinematography was wonderful.

I bet these Maori are some viscous warriors...

If your coffee order is more than four words you are part of the problem.


Ever wonder how the nests are built so comfy?

Please don't do this.

New crutches are a masterpiece...

I used to sleep in a clown mask in case one of my daughters had a nightmare and came to sleep in my bed.



Anonymous said...

Robin Williams tried suicide hotline...

...they left him hanging.

Sorry about your friend. Hope they get the resolution they need.

Anonymous said...

A. Ring in the new year
B. Loaded dice
C. Panama Canal
D. (not a fucking clue)
E. Come rain or shine

MacGyver said...

It's good to remind readers of the crisis/suicide hotlines.

Where did you find those bottle caps? I love stuff like that. But I'm not sure it's fair to just tell you the answers...

And I no it's unintentional (maybe even an auto-correct thing), that little typos happen to all great writers (they happen to me, too), and I shouldn't make fun. But reading the caption of those "viscous" Maori warriors actually made me smile, which is pretty rare for me. Thank you.

I'm an asshole for teasing, sorry.

#08 (A) RING IN (the) NEW YEAR
#04 (D) WHAT’s UP DOC?

Ninja Grrrl said...

D. What's up, doc?

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