About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

SUNDAY #2702

One Of My Very Own…


coming up easy

George Zimmerman put his gun on the auction block yesterday, bidding has skyrocketed to $65 million! Or so I'm told.

Things that are not puns:

Said to be part of the Hardon Collider, but notice how they fuzzed out all the faces. What's up with that?

(I know what the name is.)


I read most of this document.

Notice that it is 27 pages long. Besides things like never face another patron with you dick out, there was this...

After seeing this I asked if the electrician was licensed, he said "Sure how do you think I drove my truck over here."

If you don't boo at people after bad sex how do you expect them to ever get better?

Got a cucumber when his buddy got a grape.

It shows that they completely understand the rules of fair play.

From time to time we all need to be reminded that the Americas sideways look like a duck.

Can we assume all the water is rushing into the hole?


There is no guarantee that there isn't a steel rod running up through the first few stones...but I doubt it.


When you called in sick then see your boss on the street.


At an estimated $35B lifetime cost, the new Hinkley C nuclear power station will be more expensive than any other civil engineering project on planet Earth, the international space station, alleged to have cost more than $100B.


What the hell does that mean?


Two business cartoons

Twin Girls Born Of Black and White Parents-in a extremely rare case each twin has the ethnicity of only one of their parents.

Remember this scene from Goodfellas?

I wanted to reenact it when a lawyer at my bar said he wanted to buy me a beer because "I amuse him."

Our universe might be so small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, that it’s hidden inside the black hole of another universe, totally unbeknownst to theoretical sentient beings in that universe.

When you go to the movies first thing you need to do is pour a drink in the seat in front of you so nobody can sit there.




If you are feed up with my rantings about religion, skip to the bottom now.

Let's do a little he said, she said, as it were.

You either believe the bible or you believe this. These two views are totally incompatible.

Well, Jeremiah, that one is pretty easy to debunk.

Of course he will, darling. Who could doubt such a thing?

The filthiness of menstrual cycles is all I need to know that the bible was written A) by mortal men, B) by men who didn't know how the body works.

The notion that there is a magical power in telepathically communicating with the creator of the universe is one of the silliest things I have ever heard. And the proof of its nonsense is everywhere.

Most every religion of late has quietly eased the Devil out because he posed certain logical problems.

If god made everything, then god made the devil, but he could unmake the devil at will. Yet he doesn't; leaving all of us to suffer the consequences.

As I understand it, one of those laws is that you can beat a slave as long as he doesn't die.

Think of Scientology. Just call something a religion and you are tax free.


That humor aside, stone carved by the hand of god was....lost....just lost. Imagine that. "Where's the Constitution?" "Hell, I don't know. It was around here somewhere."

But more interesting to me are the fragments of the god-etched stones Moses smashed. Did no one think to save a few pieces for a family heirloom?


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