About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 10, 2016

FRIDAY #2728

One Of My Very Own…

This will get you ready for the weekend.
Buddy Guy with the Rolling stones - Champagne & Reefer Live!


But there is an alternative...

Here's some of the things he stands for...


Granted, the study concentrated on people who use a lot of it, but still, there is a link to dementia.

Internet can't get over this guy.

He's not an athlete who happened to rape. He's a rapist who happens to swim.

Facetious. Because I like to use all the vowels at once, in order.


This is Alberto Muñoz's: Measuring the Universe

What fun!

From a sex book and worth the read. You can click it to embiggenize....

Luke is so old now he just uses the Force to keep the neighborhood kids off his lawn.

Good advice...

The best advice I ever received came from a fellow teacher while explaining that we all make mistakes and that these three little sentences will ease the tension instantly: I did it. I'm sorry I did it. I won't do it again.

And they say the dinosaurs have all died out...

I actually bought some of these at a Army/Navy store when I was a kid...

But the one I bought were from WWII and were said to have been dropped by the millions on enemy troop concentrations. And from high altitude these things reached terminal velocity and was said to penetrate vehicles.

Imagine how fast that paper airplane is going...

Maybe the fastest one in history.

What a wonderful imagine...look carefully...

This took me longer than it should have...


This was captioned:
"I picked up a jigsaw from the thrift store. Of all the things I should be mad about but aren't, this goes to the top of the list."

No one really knows how to use the memory function on a calculator. We’re all just too embarrassed to ask now.
Let's now hear what some Jews say about Israel.

In my experience, people who say "I'm not trying to be difficult," don't really seem to be trying all that hard.
2016 National Geographic Photo Contest

This is not from the contest, but it was stated that it was night time and the illumination is only from the lightning...


I was once convinced by a friend to watch this TV show...

I watched several episodes and found it childish. When I told my friend what I thought, he suggested that maybe the jokes were over my head. Jeez.

I think waaaay to much about how these could have been done.

"You're never too old to start exercising," is the exact wrong advice to give me.

The Exorcist was probably the worst workout video ever.

What kind of wizardry is this?

This child should be in child protective services.

This is worth another look...

That was explained as a whale orgasm just of shore.

My girlfriend says she doesn't trust me. At least that's one thing she has in common with my wife.

And just what is the manifestation of such thinking? Well, this comes right out of a text book used in Christian Schools.

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