One Of My Very Own…
Down to the River to Pray by Alison Kraus from O Brother Where Art Thou

I do believe this...

But I also believe that the news companies made Trump. He couldn't take a dump without all the outlets covering it.

What if the US government isn't rigged and the candidates really are a reflection of how stupid we voters are?
The humble banana is under attack by a disease that is spreading around the globe, and threatening Latin America's all-important export industry.

The disease -- known as "Panama disease" or "Fusarium wilt" -- has already spread from Asia to parts of Australia, Africa and the Middle East. It specifically affects the Cavendish banana, which is the fruit that consumers in the West are accustomed to eating. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization warned this month that the $36 billion banana industry must act "to tackle one of the world's most destructive banana diseases."

A man who not only talks the talk but walks the walk.

Short and a good read:

When I was young I always ate the tougher part of the T-bone first to leave the tender part as a treat at the end of the meal. Now that I'm 70 I eat the tender part first, because you never know.

The basketball shot clock was invented in 1954 after a player hid the ball under his shirt for 48 minutes and told everyone he was pregnant.
A man that takes pride in his work...

I wish this was a better quality photo...

If you had fallen asleep on a roadtrip and awakened to this, would it freak you out?

OK, so you caught me bangin' the peanut butter jar, don't make it weird.

I've got this great joke where I kidnap people's sticker families and leave little post-it ransom notes.

Reading fake books on the subway is back...

Cosplay condemned as silly by guys who wear the jerseys of their favorite team and paint their faces for the big game; all the while filling their homes with posters, lamps and helmets of mementos.

A walk of shame is always sad. Don't make it worse by adding the sound of Flip Flops to it.
Claw caps for cats

Before and after dropping "Litle Boy" on Hiroshima.

Target was the T Bridge, an interesting structure in its own right.

Dating: *prances around in underwear and his t-shirt*
Marriage: *Unzips footed unicorn onesie* Do you think this mole is cancer?
And he thought he could do it like in the movies...

How clever...

I really looks like him.
My six year old once lost a tooth. I left a note instead of money "too dirty." She brushed with enthusiasm after that.


In Russia the pedestrian runs over you...

Speaking of collisions with vehicles...

"I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus" has the same number of syllables as "I saw someone die at Disney World." Life's funny like that.
Capturing emotion with a camera...

And one of my all time favorite photographs...

*Creates Animals*
God: They're magnificent.
Angel: Some of your best work.
Man: Which ones go on pizza?

Pro Tip: You can slap anybody, as hard as you want, as long as you yell "spider" first. You may thank me later.
I like it.

It's just two pieces of wood with no cavity in the middle.

When she asks him to use a toy...

Fails drug test. Adds "Positive" Person to résumé.

Must live near a fracking operation...

For drainage?

Oddly satisfying...


Based on the amount of laundry I did today I have to assume there are people living in this house I haven't met yet.
21st century narcissist.

You need to watch this again...

Brain cancer from cell phones is no longer considered a risk because who holds their phone up to their head anymore?

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